Chapter 4

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It had been weeks and Lillian has still not recovered, Steve spent most of his time by her bedside watching, waiting for anything even the smallest movement to let him know that she was alright. So far there had been nothing.

Steve was sat beside his sister, she was mostly healed now there were barely any marks left on her and she was healthy the only thing left for her to do was to wake up. He sighed and sunk further into his seat as nothing seemed to be happening per usual. Until he saw it, her finger it moved. The action was so small that Steve had assumed that he imagined it until it happened again and again until slowly she was moving her whole hand.

Leaning forward in his seat Steve was about to touch her when all of a sudden her body began thrashing, running from the room to call someone to help he returned to find her still thrashing and crying out, crying for someone to stop. He didn't know what to do or how to help her although it seemed she didn't need his help as her body went still.

Her eyes flickered open and she sat up removing the wires from her skin. A nurse made a move to go to her when Steve stopped them, he watched Lillian heal herself before she began rocking back and forth, her head between her knees as she whispered to herself. "My name is Lillian, I have two brothers, one's called Steve and the other is called James, they died and then a nice man called Howard took me in." His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her repeat herself over and over until she calmed.

"Lillian." He said softly putting a reassuring hand on her arm, she jumped back afraid until her eyes locked with his, "Steve?" She questioned in a small voice. He looked at her sadly and nodded, "Steve." She threw herself into his arms and began to cry slightly. "I'm sorry Steve." She told him tearfully, making Steve cry himself, "it's ok Lillian, you're ok," he assures the young girl.


After the whole coma thing Steve has become extra protective of me, he blamed himself for letting me go along but it wasn't his fault. He was taking me somewhere new, somewhere we were going to stay for a small while until he could find his own place. I followed after Steve, a bit afraid I didn't like strangers. "Come on." He urges me to keep up as I look at the place in awe, I may have been alive for over 70 years but I never got to see such things.

"Capsicle nice to see you again." A man greets my brother, I look between them curiously, "thank you Tony for letting us stay." Steve says shaking the mans hand. "And who is this?" He questions looking at me, uncomfortable with the attention on me I turn invisible hearing the man gasp. "Where did she go?" Tony asks curiously. "She's here." Steve tells him as I grip onto his arm. "Lils it's ok you can come back, this is Tony he's a friend." I peer out from behind Steve, "hi." I say quietly as the man observes me, "hey, I'm Tony stark?" I step forward curiously, "like Howard?"

He nods, "that's my dad." I smile at him, "you look like him." He gives me a small smile, "my dad took care of you in 1945 didn't he?" I nod, "What happened to you?" He asks, "why can you turn invisible?" I look to Steve a bit uncomfortable, after hydra took me they only put limited information into their system they kept most on paper since I was supposed to be killed soon anyways and anything they had uploaded didn't have my name on it. That's why when Steve Nat and Sam exposed Hydra not much came out about me.

"She said it happened after an experiment on her." Steve explains, "do you remember what they did to you." I shake my head, "not really it was always the same they'd strap me down inject me with stuff, or take my blood, cut me up and if I resisted they'd punish me." I tell him as much as I could remember.

"Punish you how?" I feel my body shudder involuntary at the memories, "there were a lot of different ways, they'd hold me underwater, make me fight older stronger men or just electrocute me." I mumble. "Do you mind if I do some tests-" my eyes go wide and I turn invisible again, "no! No tests...please." I tell them making him sigh, "it's ok Lils no tests." Steve assures me making me visible again. I look to Tony and he nods, "no tests." He tells me holding his hand up.

"So what else can you do kid?" I teleport to behind him and tap on his back making him jump before I teleport back to Steve side and giggle at the look on his face. "I can heal people too and make things grow." Steve looks to me confused, "make things grow?" He asks, "um I barely use it so it's not strong but I can make trees, flowers and things like that grow." I explain making him nod, "show us." I look around, "um well I usually need to be outside but this should work." I say as I spot a a vase of flowers nearby.

I walk over and pick up a wilting flower I watch as I concentrate and the flower gets restored to its previous healthy state. I hold it out to Steve who smiles and slides it into my hair. Suddenly the elevator opens and a tall man walks out, he laughs at something the smaller man beside him had just said his voice so loud and booming that it made me jump.

He had long blond hair and was holding a big hammer, the man beside him was shorter he had dark curly hair and he seemed pretty nervous himself, he spots me from beside Steve and sends me a small but confused smile. "Ah stark nice to see you." The taller man smiles before he turns to Steve, "you too Rogers." Steve shakes his hand and then he spots me, "and who is this young maiden." He asks with a warm smile I can't help but smile back, "I'm Lillian Rogers." I tell him putting my hand in his open one, "you have a daughter Rogers?" He asks Steve who shakes his head with a small smile as I laugh, "sister."

"Nice to make your acquaintance young Rogers." The man says, "you too." I answer realising I didn't know his name, "Thor, god of thunder." He introduces as the other man says hi to Tony and Steve. Thor drops his hammer to the ground with a bang that startles me into going invisible, it happened involuntary when I was scared sometimes.

"Rogers your sister seems to have disappeared." Thor hums watching the spot I had just been in, "she's here." Steve informs him as I make myself visible again, "fascinating." The other guy murmurs under his breath, "my brother Loki can do something similar." Thor tells me with a kind smile noticing the sheepish smile on my face, "really?" I ask, "yes, although I'd say yours is better." He winks making me beam.

"Do you uh mind doing that again?" The other man asks me and I do it instantly, "where are you?" I tap Thor making him jump and me laugh, and then I turn visible again. "Yes I can turn other people invisible but only for a short while." I say knowing that was the next question about to be asked. "Do you know why you do that?" I shake my head, "She said no to tests doc." Tony tells him shooting me a wink, "that's alright I was just curious." He hums holding his hand out, "Bruce banner," I take it, "Lillian Rogers."

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