Chapter 9

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"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Steve tells the team on the jet before we land.

"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." I was hiding along because I knew I could be very helpful in protecting civilians or taking them to safety, I wasn't itching for a fight or anything, but one thing I had instilled in me from the past decades was to protect.

First it was just protecting the winter soldier but now that I remembered who I was I wanted to protect as many people as possible. Especially since I was capable to do that, the accident I had those many months ago was just that an accident. I had only just recovered my memories from the past, I was caught of guard, but that wouldn't happen again. I would remember my training. It is what kept me alive for so long. I understood why Steve worried for me but I could handle it.

Honestly I don't know how he expected me to just stay behind and do nothing as everyone I loved put their own lives at risk. In the many months I had been staying with the avengers I grew to love them, like family and I couldn't imagine my life without any of them now. The only person that was missing was Bucky, but he didn't want to be found so I suppose we should just leave him to his peace.

"Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." Steve says as a whole load of Ultron's robots swarm in and attack. Quickly I begin to teleport people to safety I try and get as many as possible but go for more of the elderly, injured or children.

"It's ok, it's ok, I'm here to help you." I tell a young girl who is wailing, she's trapped all alone and is bleeding quite badly, "I want my mommy!" She weeps making me frown, "I'll help you find your mom I promise, but first I gotta help you." I tell her softly, growing two strong tree trunks from the ground I lift the car door that she was trapped under, she crawls out still in tears as I let it drop.

"I'm scared." She cries as I take her into my arms, "there's nothing to be scared of, I'll protect you." I tell her dead seriously, "now I'm gonna fix you up so try and stay still ok?" She nods timidly, I concentrate on her wounds and healing them, hearing her gasp at my eyes which have lit up a green colour. "All the pain gone?" I ask her after I'm done, she sends me a small smile and nods, "thank you." I send her a soft smile of my own, "now let's find your mom."

"Lillian?" I turn to meet my older brothers wide eyes, "what are you doing here?" He asks me looking to the small child cradled in my arms, "helping the civilians." He stops for a second before nodding his head, "alright stay safe." He sighs before going back to the fight. "You know captain America?" The child asks me her big brown eyes shining in amazement, "he's my brother." I tell her making her gasp. "That's so cool." I smile at her awe, "I'm cooler than him." She giggles and then nods her head, "a lot cooler, you can make your eyes glow, can you teach me how to do that? I want to make them glow yellow though because that's my favourite colour I don't like green." I give a small laugh, "sure I'll teach you but when your older." I didn't wanna crush her hope and I'm sure she'd forget about this conversation when she grew up so I didn't see any harm in humouring her.

I teleported into any building in the vicinity having no luck of finding the small child's mother. "Are we gonna find her?" The small girl cries as she clings to me, "I'm going to try my hardest." Eventually I teleport into a diner, and immediately we find a woman hunched over crying about her daughter. She looks up at us her whole face lighting up and I let the small girl down so that she can run to her mom.

"Oh thank you, thank you." She cries pulling me into a hug as she sobs into my shoulder, "it's alright ma'am, I'm just glad we found you." I tell her slightly awkwardly patting her back. "You saved my baby, I owe you everything." She continues, "you don't owe me anything." I assure her before leaving to help get others out of the battle zone. "Careful." Pietro says as he uses his speed to save me from a robot I hadn't seen coming for me, "thanks." I grin up at him. "Watch yourself little flower." He tells me affectionately ruffling my hair before running off to defeat more bots.

Suddenly Fury arrives with an old shield helicarrier and so whilst the team go to protect the core I stay behind with Rhodey to load people into the life boats that was going to carry everyone to safety. "Come on everyone, there's enough room for you all so no need to worry." I assure the crowd as I watch them shove and push each other. I do a quick sweep of the city to find anyone left behind. "Lillian get yourself on a boat now." Steve commands and I obey him this time.

I end up getting back to the boat the same time Clint does, he ushers me on before we hear a woman cry out for her child. Clint spots the child before I do and so he runs to collect the little boy and reunite him with his mother. All of a sudden Ultron flys by in a jet and he's shooting, aiming for Clint and the small boy in his arms. Clint sees this and turns his back ready to shield the child with his own body. I quickly teleport over to try and teleport them to safety but everything happens so fast.

I see that a car is shielding Clint the boy and I, "You didn't see that coming." My eyes meet the sound and see Pietro stood there his body filled with bullets his blue shirt now stained red. My eyes widen as he falls to the ground, "Pietro? Pietro no come on." I say hurriedly as I teleport over to his body. I begin to heal him trying my hardest, he reaches for my hand and pulls it away from himself, "Pietro what are you doing I can save you." I tell him adamantly. He shakes his head with a small smile, he knew I couldn't do it, "" He rasps before his head drops back and he's gone.

I shake my head in disbelief, "Pietro, please no don't go, don't leave me, don't leave Wanda she needs you." I cry trying my best to heal him. It doesn't work because he's gone, I was too late, I was too weak, I didn't save him. I couldn't.

"Pietro." I sob into his body before feeling a hand on my shoulder, it's Steve he looks at me pained as I cry, "we have to go." He tells me in a regretful tone. I nod and stand allowing him to take Pietro's body.

After we all sit on the boat Steve pulls me into him and let's me cry, "how close were you to him?" He asks me softly once my crying ceases. "When we were being experimented on, we were kept in different cells and I couldn't sleep at night, I was too scared so Pietro would sing to me, or tell me stories until I could. He looked out for me as best he could and I didn't repay the favour."


"Goodbye young Rogers," Thor nods crouching down to my height, I throw myself at him making him chuckle, "bye Thor." I mumble sadly I had grown very attached to Thor, he like me didn't know much about the world and so we found most things fascinating together. "I shall be back soon Lillian." He assures me making me nod. "I'll miss you." I tell him making his face soften, "and I you."

Tony was leaving too, he wanted some quiet time with Pepper or something so that kinda sucked because I was also pretty attached to Tony, he liked to teach me new things and would even let me sit in his lab and watch him design new things. But I'd still see him around he wasn't going for good he assured me.

Bruce had run away, he'd jumped on a jet and had not been heard from yet. He probably would be gone for a long time. Clint had also retired so he was gone too.

On the plus side Steve and Nat weren't leaving instead we were all staying at the new avengers compound with the new avengers, Wanda, Sam Rhodey vision, Steve, Nat and I. I got to help train the others which was funny but I was more experienced than them.

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