Chapter 18: Inside

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This chapter is both Niko's and Luka's POV. You will see why I added Luka's POV.

I rushed out of my office, leaving a calling Nur behind me.

"Nikola Bey....." she called

"*Sonra" I responded firmly.

I headed to the fire exit. I needed and wanted to avoid everyone.

I pushed the door open.

"You wont cry again." I ordered myself through greeted teeth as I wiped off that silly tear.

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I started running down the stairs.

I took them step by step, going down.

Down to the next floor, I just ran as fast as I can.

I kept going.

"NIKO" my name echoed all around of me, from the top of the staircase.

I stopped in my tracks at that familiar voice summoning me, arousing me once again.

His footsteps came drumming behind me.

"Where are you going?!" Luka asked when he finally reached me.

I looked down and away, then said in a low voice "I am tired I want to go home and rest."

"*Hadi. *Gel I will drive you home."

He placed a hand on my back as we walked down the staircase.

"I went to get us lunch, but let us skip this one I have no appetite either. We will keep this as a secret between us." He said smiling weakly at me.

The wind blew into my face as I pushed the emergency exit door open, revealing the world outside. The voices of honking cars came to ears, Istanbul's typical traffic.

Luka and I walked to the car. The world kept rushing around me in a blur. It was too fast for me.

I stopped for a second, my hand on the car's handle.

I looked around me.

What had happened?!

I was here just moments a go, laughing at how Luka was dancing but now everything seemed grey.

I looked up, at the skies.

But I couldn't see it.

I couldn't see burning bright sun above.

I got into the car and the first thing I did was reach for the radio.

I turned the volume control to it's maximum.

"PLANNING TO LOSE OUR EARDRUMS, ARENT WE?!" Luka asked over the noise.

I leaned my heavy head against the window, squeezing my eyes shut.

We drove off as the voices in my head got louder and louder drowning me.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH." his deafening scream startling me back to present moment.

I woke up sitting up and grabbing the armrest. My heart drumming into my ears.

"Niko' my friend called with a concerned look '*Tamam. It is me. I am going to get us something in case we got hungry later on in the day."

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