Chapter 19: Far away from home

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Welcome back my babies!
Before I start a little dedication.
To the girl, to the tough lady who is going through so much in life yet always stronger than ever. To the girl who is pulling and spreading happiness all around her, yet her heart is burning behind her ribs.You know yourself. I love you loads and I will always respect you and look up to you.And all of you off course! For giving me the time and chance.

Janu POV


I let out a loud exhale.

There is this heaviness in my chest, I can't exhale out for some time now.

"Heheummm" let out a little groan at the knot in my stomach, making me feel sick. I didn't have anything besides coffee all day long.
It was around noon now.

I kept the tips of my feet on the floor rotating my office chair left and right.
I sat there staring outside the window. The skies sullenly were looking back at me.
I hate this weather.
Evet, I absolutely love the rain.
But I hate the cloudy gloomy weather that comes prior to the rain.
I softly closed my eyes as the ring of the Mia's office phone came through the wall.
Phone calls kept blowing up my phone, Mia's, and the office line. Because apparently winning against Nikola Gjoka was a big deal.
I have no idea who people think he is.

However, I was in no mood to talk today. I just wanted to stay silent forever.
So every call was taken by my secretary. Even my personal cellphone.
I even had two clients come all the way to my office.
Luckily, I already had a list of orders out. I was in a "meeting" all day long.

"Tuk tuk tuk" came a knock through the door.
"Mia I am in no mood for company." I said with my back still to the door.
I heard the door click open "Well I am a new client of yours"
"MURAT!" I said half laughing.
He put on high pitched tone, his attempt of pranking me. But he only ended up sounding too funny in the process.
"*Ne istiyorsun?! What do you want now?!"
"Well" he started walking around the room and stopping right in front of my window.
I let out a little grunt at him blocking my view.
"Congratulations *avukat hanim. Didn't you win a case yesterday?!" He asked looking over his shoulder at me.
"What with the mourning mood, then?!' He started taking a few steps forward 'You told Mia to not pass any phone calls, visitors, or notes?!"
"Murat *abim. I am tired from the previous case.."
"Then take a holiday!"
I rolled my eyes at him, to which he let out a small sigh. shaking his head in annoyance.
I can't take a holiday, not now with all these cases pilling up. I am just really getting started with my career. A holiday now is a suicide note.
He turned his back to me, staring out the window.
"Don't forget that you promised Melek to spend time with her." He said reminding me with my promise from the previous day.
"*Tamam." I responded. Melek is a line neither of us would ever cross.

We went silent for the next 10 minutes.
It was that heavy silence in which a lot go on in your mind, yet you never speak it out.
He kept looking out the window while I sat there in my office chair.

"*Bu arada. That lawyer of yours, I did some researching' he turned around, facing me and he added 'The cause to why he left criminal law two years back."
I nodded my head slightly. I couldn't be less interested or curios in a subject.
What could it be?!
The little snob was bored and decided to switch.
"He left the country, went back to America for 3 months."
"He studied law in there may be..."
"*Hayir" He replied firmly reading my mind.
According to the public knowledge Nikola went to the States to get his law degree.
He fixated his gaze on something outside the window before adding "It was a big case."
He stopped talking for a second.
"*NE?!" I questioned as I leaned against my desk, fully concentrating on every word that he was departing his lips.
Murat looked over his shoulder at me, the sun reflecting on his glasses "It had to do with some Mafia head. The client was in debt to him. The client's wife was......"
"NE?!" I demanded.
Murat looked down then let out a heavy sigh "The client's wife was killed.
I swallowed hard, looking away. I was recalling Niko's reply to me that day "I slept with my client's wife."
He lied!!!
But why?!
When I looked back at Murat, he was observing me closely. He took a deep breath, then turned his head to the window before adding "He, he..."
"*Sen diyorsun, *oglum?! What are you saying. *Konusma."I demanded.
He looked back at me, the eyes looking behind the glasses were soft, sad, and sympathetic
He said something but I didn't hear it.
"NE?! WHAT IN THE WORLD DID..NO NO." I said shaking my head in disbelief.
"He found her. Nikola was the one who found her in her own bathroom, shot to her own death."
My body slammed against my chair. My legs unable to carry my body weight.
I think Murat said something about the client calling Nikola terrified about his wife not answering his calls.
My mind couldn't register a thing after knowing that.
Niko found her dead.
He left criminal law because of that.

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