Chapter 1: Dead End

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"Taking a walk was a VERY bad idea" I told him as he continued dragging me by the arm. The rain was roaring all around us as the street lights kept flickering 

"And you dragging me with your tight-ass grip on my wrist for the past THREE blocks is an even worse idea for you" I snarled as he whipped his head back to meet my eyes.

I was startled a bit by just how clearly I could see the specs of worry, of tiredness in his golden-brown eyes.

"You know why I'm dragging you with me?? BECAUSE YOU'RE TINY ASS FEET CAN'T SEEM TO KEEP UP" he yelled back this time with anger filling his booming voice

"Shhhhhh" I shushed him ferociously

"They'll hear us you butthole" I said through gritted teeth. I looked around the corner of the street we had been hiding at, my heart was beating out of its chest as I couldn't feel my legs anymore

I blinked hard trying to regain some focus but the pounding rain was making it more difficult. As soon as I opened my eyes, I gave out a little gasp and ended slamming both me and the boy I had been running with into the wall that stood behind us.

"They're here they're here they're here" I began panicking as I looked into the boys eyes, tears slowly started filling my eyes. My hands fumbled around for something to hold onto as I grabbed onto the boy's flannel. I started folding and unfolding parts of the flannel as I tried to control my breathing.

"Hey hey hey calm down" he started whispering as I could clearly hear the footsteps getting closer

"Shhhhh" he started shushing, a clearly panicked state of mind enveloping him

I coughed a bit as the tears trailed down my cheeks faster and faster by the second

"Goddamnit why are you so weak" he hissed at me

"I AM NOT"I almost yelled back

"GOOD good" his eyes widened

"Now use that strength"

"I sure will asshole" I stated as I gave him a good jab in the gutt

"Ughhhh" he groaned as he bent over holding his stomach

"Not to punch me" he whispered as he moved further into the street corner

"It's your fault" I said back, no hint of sympathy for the darn pain in the butt

"Ughh" he continued groaning 

"....are you okay?" I whispered to him slightly getting worried at how powerful a girl who had never lifted more than a coffee cup in her life could possibly be

A clack against the pavement "I was sure they went this way" a deep voice stated

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as I ran over to the boy who was holding himself, and shook him by the shoulders. 

In that moment no words needed to be exchanged.

The boy straightened himself up and gently placed one hand around my wrist. He looked to his left to find the dimly lit dead end and to his right, the street filled with water. And of course now almost directly beside us, the two men who hadn't quit tracking us down.

"What do we do??" I whispered my voice cracking and my whole body now trembling in fear

"You trust me?" he asked his eyes glancing at my tear-stained face

I sighed deeply as I slowly nodded my head.

He took a step closer....


24 Hours Earlier

"No no that's okay ma'am" I told her as she persistently insisted she come help clean up the hot coffee she had drenched me in

"Please sweetheart let me-"

"It's fine" I said one last time as I hurried over to the counter 

"What would you like sir?" I asked the customer who had been standing there for the past ten or so minutes. 

When he didn't look up I asked him again, a little impatiently this time, though trying to maintain my friendliness

"What would you like" I said through gritted teeth.

He looked up, his eyes catching mine from beneath the cap he had covering a majority of his forehead.

"Nothing" he simply answered as he went back to playing with the ring around his middle finger.

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