Chapter 6: Really? Already?

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Back to Present Day

A clack against the pavement "I was sure they went this way" a deep voice stated

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as I ran over to the boy who was holding himself, and shook him by the shoulders.

In that moment no words needed to be exchanged.

The boy straightened himself up and gently placed one hand around my wrist. He looked to his left to find the dimly lit dead end and to his right, the street filled with water. And of course now almost directly beside us, the two men who hadn't quit tracking us down.

"What do we do??" I whispered my voice cracking and my whole body now trembling in fear

"You trust me?" he asked his eyes glancing at my tear-stained face

I sighed deeply as I slowly nodded my head.

He took a step closer....


Swiftly pulling his hood up he covered the both of us with his one body. He made sure to keep me hidden, his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

My breath hitched in my throat as my eyes widened at the man I had merely met not too long ago. My cheeks were brushed over with a red color of their own.

His head dipped a bit towards me in that moment with a taint of fear in his actions as we heard the footsteps grow louder and louder. Our hearts were pounding out of our chest as suddenly....the footsteps stopped. 

I felt like panicking, throwing my arms in the air or bolting off from the scene right then and there....but there was something about the man's eyes that told me otherwise.

don't leave they told me but.... there was a weird mural of emotions behind his clear eyes that puzzled me beyond words.

The loading of a gun....that's the next thing we heard.

I held on desperately to the man in front of me as I shut my eyes a long with my brain and my heart.

My world which had played me into thinking it had gone black a few hours ago, pixelated my vision and caused me to sweat nervously.

"We're not going to make it out alive are we" I whispered out as a tear brimmed in my eyes.

There was a soft inhale and a light touch to my cheek.

He cleared my eyes gently before I could protest.

don't cry  he shook his head

don't speak

"DON'T MOVE" those same deep voices yelled. 

Those same voices that I hadn't ever heard before these eventful 24 hours. 

Those same voices that had chased me and the man for what seemed like an eternity....

those same voices....that could kill us.

A strand of his white bangs fell covering his eyes then, his whole world turned from color to the light show his eyelids were playing. His breathing, his pulse were clearly felt as they gently found their place upon her cheeks. His fingertips causing butterflies to errupt within her stomach as he held her so carefully.

 His words which were once so cruel and demanding now sealed themselves as his lips capped hers, successfully keeping her from making anymore noises.

 One long sweet kiss. 

Two awkward gun men.

Four younger brothers.

One older.

All awaiting answers.

His lips moved along with hers as he now took his second hand from his pocket and placed it cupping her other cheek which was freezing and stained with dry tears.

The loaded guns retracted from their positions, their owners growing awkward as they had expected two other people...two people who would be clawing their way up walls and jumping from roof to roof.

"They're dangerous" the gunmen were told by the man that hired them

"They aren't them" one of the gunmen snarled to the other

"We've gotta move." the other one simply replied through his gritted teeth.

The footsteps began moving again. The world beneath their feet unpaused from the trance it cast over Yoongi and Y/n.

As his eyes fluttered open he watched as hers remained closed.

"A kiss?"

"Really?" she said softly

"Don't you mean Already?" he retorted back with a small grin

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