Chapter 3: Masquerade

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That's the color that I saw everywhere. 

I winced as I looked to the mirror not far from me, it was even in the form of a ring around my eye.

I sighed as I ended up coughing up some blood suddenly.I gasped as I had never seen such a sight lying upon my feet...what had happened?...when had I been beaten?...

In front of me, I was met with two or three figures holding a clipboard. They both wore black caps and appeared to be less well built than the two that had dragged me here. One very clearly was shorter than the rest, however he seemed to stand taller than them, regardless as if he had held himself up his whole life..

"She's tied up over there" I heard them whispering as they shuffled around restless. 

A pen was clicked, a side profile shown, and my head fell down, my eyes to meet with the floor so that I could successfully act like I was still passed out.

Boots hit heavily against the garage we were all stored in, and they came closer and closer.

Closer to me.

"I really can't do this hyung" one of the boys spoke up, his voice wavering. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as my ears perked up, trying to hear what he was talking about.

"You will and you shall Kook." the stronger voice demanded.

"I-" his shaky breathing was clearly heard within the closed space.

"No." he spoke a little firmer. I allowed my head to rise...just enough so that my eyes could meet with his figure...I saw the boy staring at the tops of his shoes as he was scolded by the older one. His hand was practically taped to his cheek as he cleared his tears over and over again. He looked up a bit behind the curtain of black that framed his forehead. His eyes were smeared with red and half-closed as if he couldn't bare to keep them if he couldn't bare to see disappointment in his hyungs eyes.

As he shifted on the ground, his legs shook and so did his hands, trying desperately to hang onto himself. He swallowed making his Adams apple bob up and down. His eyes flicked from one object to another, fear in its finest I thought to myself. I watched him intensely as I was utterly distracted from what I was supposed to be distracted that when his eyes finally landed upon me a loud "HYUNG" rung in the garage as his finger pointed to me. 

I sat back in the chair allowing as much distance as possible to make its way between me and the boys. I heard the click of a gun near the entrance of the garage making me let out an unwanted whimper. A smirk played on the older ones lips as he could practically smell the fear emanating from me. I attempted to move the chair back and back, hopping as best as I could with my arms tied up behind me. I coughed a bit from the frequent movements.

"Oh" I heard from the younger. I looked up to meet his eyes as his hand was outstretched to me. It was as though....he was worried...

I scooted back a bit more.

"NOOO" one of them yelled but not soon enough, for I had already broken one of the legs of the chair and fallen backwards. 

Now truly, the masquerade was to begin.

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