Chapter 2: Snow Colored Hair

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"Are you sure..."I asked the stranger one last time.

He looked up and huffed out a breath "Doesn't it look like i'm sure" he said as though it was made more than clear.

"Okay...jeez" I replied, my face scrunching. I grabbed my notepad and carried on a long the counter, my shoes clacking against the floor as I moved.

"Y/n here's table 4's order" a person in the back had said. He put the coffee cup down and returned to making other orders immediately. It was always like that, no conversation ever occurred around here. The fact that anyone even knew my name was a miracle, but I suppose even that was only remembered because of the name tag I wore, pinned to my uniform for what felt like almost 12 hours a day for seven days a week.

"Oh... okay.." I put down my pencil and carefully grabbed the cup of coffee. It was quite hot but I tried my best to carry it as steadily as I could since the person in the back hadn't given me any plate to hold it with.

As I concentrated on the coffee, making sure none spilled over the side,  I suddenly felt an object at my feet

"SHIT" I yelled out as I felt myself beginning to fall, the coffee in my hand spilled onto me just a bit before it was flung out of my grasp, shattering and causing everyone to stop in their tracks

And just as quickly as everything had occurred, an arm wrapped around my waist from the front and brought me back up to my feet, though the coffee had gone and spilled all over the floor at this point.

"Dammnit" I said once I had balanced myself again. The coffee cup which was one of the most expensive ones we had was now lying at my feet, broken and scattered across the ground near two or three tables.

I looked around to thank the person who had caught me really quickly before I continued to clean up the mess I had clumsily made.

My eyes trailed around to all the people around me but none seemed to have been even close to me when these events had transpired.

"I...."my eyebrows furrowed in confusion 

Finally I caught a glimpse at the man who had a black jacket


he was the one who caught me

I started walking towards him as he slipped on his hood onto his snow-colored hair.

As soon as he pushed the door open I began to run a bit as to catch up to him.

"Hey-" a white cloth covered my mouth as my arms were restrained by men in black masks

"MM" I tried to yell out, my arms and legs flailing in all directions. I looked in front of me desperately hoping the man with white hair would turn back and look at me....just once.

I was pulled away before anyone saw me.

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