Chapter 5: The Only Way is To Escape

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"Look girl. This isn't a game. There is no reward for being a "hero" as you may think you're being." his eyes scanned mine as he approached me, moving a bit closer.

My mouth was open but the words seemed to have been lodged in my throat.

What the hell was he even talking about? my eyes furrowed trying to think back to any encounter I may have had with anyone that could have gotten me into this.

His jaw clenched before me making me remain silent 

"You will

tell us

where he is" he enunciated 



"Hyung hyung..." the rest of the people came up behind the silver haired man as they tried to take him away from me



Yoongi ran his hand through his hair as he watched everything unfold.. the girl, Namjoon getting worked up, the water. The commotion and hecticness of it all making him feel like he hadn't taught the boys anything. It was giving him a splitting headache to say the least.

It may have been too late to intervene. He stood up from his spot, pulling his hood over his noticeable white hair as he stuffed his hands into his pocket.

"Please" he heard a whimper. 

His footsteps stopped as his heart couldn't let him carry on.

"We need to find him...we'll do anything...we have to get him back. There's too many things unanswered...too many things misunderstood....please..." Min Yoongi turned back to see the maknae on his knees, holding the woman's hand in his as he begged for an answer she couldn't give.

"Please tell us where he is...if we need to-" a hand grabbed at his shirt pulling him away

"THAT'S ENOUGH" a voice boomed

Jimin. the voice registered in his mind

He let out a sigh without meaning to before looking at the place where the maknae now resided, crying into the palms of his hand.

Jimin squatted in front of the woman...his eyes were intense...far too intense and far too long gone to not be afraid of anymore.

The man who used to have the brightest disposition was the scariest when angry.

Jimin forcefully grabbed the woman's chin, an action surprising not only him but all of Jimin's hyungs around him.

Yoongi let out a low grunt as he watched Jimin observe every feature of the woman's face.

He could practically hear judgement pouring out of Jimin's mouth. 

It had been a rough day with Yoongi's brothers finding out where he was trailing around. He thought he had been so careful as to cover up his tracks but he should've known better. He should've known that living with six other boys would mean they could calculate what he might have done without error.

They had traced him all the way to the cafe where he had marginally escaped, yet here he was faced with another situation.

The mysterious woman.

And by the looks of it the situation was just about to go too far.

Yoongi flipped the switch watching before him all heads tilting up towards the failing light bulbs.

The lights went out.

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