Chapter 10: Cypher Pt. 3

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Unfortunately I would be lying to say his smile didn't haunt me in the least.

If you had asked me after our first meeting I would have brushed off the biker-jacket dude as "another one". Another person who made their way into my little cafe. Got a drink. Left.

But now. Now as I walked unwillingly yet willingly hand in hand with Agust, each smile that was smiled back at me was so genuine it made me question why someone would do such a thing.

Did you know people had gummy smiles? Because I certainly didn't. Not that this means I'm falling for the jerk face but-


"Earth to Y/n do you mind not staring at me. It might seem like we're into each other and turn off all the other girls that want a piece of this" he directed his hand towards himself as if he was the prince of that very mountain we were standing on.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. It always too good to be true when it came to him.

"Again. All I want to do is slap you. How do you manage to do that?......Repeatedly."

Agust laughed once again flashing me his charming smile

I scrunched my eyebrows at the sight of it thinking it was too innocent on a face like his. Before he could say any other statement that promoted his over-inflated ego I stopped both of us from moving on the path above the mountain. My legs were tired as I'm sure his where whether he would admit it or not. I let go of his hand as I stretched out my joints.

"So are we here for you to chuck me off or what's the plan? Is there some sort of ritual that I should perform that'll give me the eye-opening answer as to why the heck I would possibly spend my life in the hands of a short self-proclaimed ladies man?"

Agust laughed half-heartedly at this as I knew he would. I attacked his height and he was now hunting his target.

"Short self-proclaimed ladies man huh?" he looked down at his feet thoughtfully before then taking my hand in his.

"Hey what are you-"

"Look at that" he smirked playfully, the smell of his jacket somehow giving off a sort of cologne making me more or less ready to faint.

"Your hand is about half the size of mine"

"Overgrown hands is not my problem shorty" I retorted back

Suddenly before my life could even flash in front of my eyes his eyes were merely a breath away.

"You better not insult me like that anymore. You know it turns me on"

"WHAT??" I faked a huge smile "So you got an off switch too? Please do tell where it's at" I started reaching for his jacket.

His head tilted sideways as he looked at me"When I'm around you I don't think I have one" he said so softly I was surprised if I had heard it correctly


"AH NOW I SEE IT The beautiful mountain where I shall toss you off and sacrifice you to the short ladies-man gods"

"Kidding...sit with me" he asked ....or told I could never tell with that guy

"Why because-"

"Just sit down for the love of god Y/n"

I pursed my lips before I indeed sat down next to the very person I was as close to smacking as I was to wanting to hear what he had to say to me

"I don't have any magical short-man fairy dust to sprinkle all over you to convince you to stay with me. In fact I don't even have an magical fairy dust period all I my story." he smiled a somewhat forced smile
"One I hope you listen to."

Agust took out a cracker packet that was stuffed into his pants pocket.

As he tore open the wrapper he gave one to me and ate the other one before dusting off his fingers.

"Since there's no way to tell you this subtly I guess I'll start off by saying... My name isn't Agust..It's Yoongi..."

"and I killed someone...."


A/n:........hi :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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