Chapter 9: Hand. or Death.

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"Hold my hand" 

"What if I don't want to" I scoffed at the man I couldn't believe I was still hanging out with.

"Then you'll trip and fall to your death so please. hand."

My eyes widened as my eyebrows shot up

"....Where exactly are we going....?"

"Well you'll find out when we get there won't we" he raised an eyebrow before turning back around.

"You're a big pain in the ass sometimes" I mumbled to myself

"Well thanks I happen to pride myself on just really..I'm flattered" he winked back causing me to recoil out of disgust

I shook my head as I tried to get his wink out of my memories. What was it with this dude?

"So do you do this for a living or what"

"What?" Agust asked amused. I could see the corner of his lip turn up as he walked in front of me " You mean having nosy waitresses get caught by the people that are trying to hunt me down and possibly even murder me?" He put a hand under his chin as he thought hard about the question for a split second

"No're the first waitress...might have had a few strippers before that"

My eyes widened as I whipped my head towards Agust. Was he joking or not??

I yanked my hand out of his causing him to violently turn around towards me.

"How many times do I have to tell you. Hand"

"How many times do I have to tell you?? Pain in the ass, Disgusting etcetera"

Agust laughed to himself a bit

"No one says etcetera out loud. 

Besides I was kidding. Your the first woman I've had to drag around with me till the end of my life"

"Oh I before this was men?" I retorted back

Agust seemed to have choked on the air around him. "WHAT?? Are you joking? Did I not kiss you a while ago. Honestly where do you get these ideas" he ended in a mumble

I scoffed to myself as I tried my hardest not to laugh. 

As I walked forward the air around me seemed to get colder. I tried to walk on seeming unfazed but I knew Agust noticed. The ground beneath me was getting rockier and rockier as we continued on to what Agust declared would change my mind about all of this.

 "Just one day" I mocked in my head. I sighed as I dragged my shoes across the rocks, however one rock particularly didn't want me to move.

"Oh-" my arms begun flailing around as I tried to catch myself

 and he, moving so swiftly that one would have doubted if he had really been a good ten steps ahead of me or not, was now staring me down as his arm remained wrapped around my waist.

"Like I said. Hand. or death." 

I stood up straight, fixing my shirt. His now soft brown eyes looked at me intently as he held his hand out for me. I bit the inside of my cheek before taking it.

"Don't get any funny ideas" I said 

"Don't you think we're already past that point" he smiled cheekily at me

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