Chapter 8: Just One Day

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"Don't be dumb"

"What are you even saying Agust-"

"Get away from behind the counter"

"Okay now you don't be dumb"

"Wow you never listen do you" he proceeded to mutter annoyingly.

I had come back to my job after a good three days of absence and he still hadn't let me be.

"They won't catch me here" I insisted as I moved past the stubborn man. Coffee in my hand, I went to the table that ordered such a massive load of caffeine.

"You do know that last time they did catch you here" he spoke up as he gently held onto my forearm

I sighed as I blew a piece of hair out of my face "Would you like anything else sir?" I asked the customer

"I'm good thank you" he replied causing me to nod my head and walk away.

"Are you just ignoring me now?" Agust inquired, his eyebrows scrunched in an unflattering manner

"Don't do that or you'll get wrinkles faster"

"I don't think that's a-"

"Look believe what you believe but leave me alone okay Agust? I have a life. A stable life that I would really like to go back to."


Yoongi watched as you moved around the cafe without any worries as if you hadn't been desperately clinging to him mere hours ago. Before then you hadn't finally got the word that the boys had gone out of Seoul.

He watched as you wore that apron. That hideous apron with those old black tights beneath your dress.

His nose scrunched seeing you in worn out clothes. As far as he remembered you had been working there since you were very young and this is how they treated you?

Yoongi sighed exasperatedly, desperate to get your attention. Maybe playing out a defeated act would win you over.

He walked with his head down over to the counter top he had stood in front of once before. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and sitting so that his eyes watched the marble finish, he hoped you would ask him what the matter was before he suffocated in the stench of the uncleaned table.

"Y/n. order. table 5" the barista in the back called out

Yoongi took in a heavier breath and let it out again, his eyes widening without trying. How could she not have noticed me not bothering her yet? he thought

"Here you go" he heard Y/n's light voice in the far back corner of the cafe.

Oh come on he thought as he threw his hands up in the air.

"AGUST" a yell came at the exact time of the action. He could feel droplets of the hot liquid on his hand but he didn't want to believe it. His whole face scrunched up before turning to the owner of the voice

"haha.....Y/n....I really didn't see you there" he lamely muttered out as he was faced with a fuming Y/n, tired of Agust's lame attempts to get her away from her life.

"I DO NOT want to go with you. Do you understand???" she said through gritted teeth. Staring Agust down and wiping her burning skin and clothes with a napkin, even Yoongi got chills from it all.


Y/n turned away before he could finish.

You've got to be kidding me Yoongi thought as he pried himself away from his comfortable chair. 

"Y/n" he called out

"Y/n...." he walked a bit quicker in attempts to catch her

"Y/n....." he sighed before forcing out the next words in him "I'm sorry..." he said as he lightly grabbed her wrist

She stopped for a moment before yanking her hand away.

Yoongi followed her without rest. He was confused over why she mattered so much anyway. He might as well leave her behind. know you can't. The boys will come after her again

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the one sane voice inside of his head as he continued to speak to the girl who gave absolutely no shits.

"I'm sorry for getting you into this mess. I'm sorry for being so.....rude....and honestly fine. don't spend your whole life with me" you're whole life with me SAFE  he wanted to yell out...but he didn't

"But at least give me a chance. Just One Day. and if I'm still unbearable then I'll be out of your hair" lucky for him that earned him a good chuckle from Y/n before she turned pensive.

"Just one day?" she said quietly more to herself than out loud

"You promise you'll leave me alone after that?" she said looking up unveiling herself from her long lashes

"Woah woah woah talking like I've already lost huh?" Yoongi grinned excited at the fact that he had managed to convince the girl so easily. 

bad decision bad decision his thoughts immediately followed as he saw Y/n starting to turn on her heels

"YES YES....Just one day..." 

Yoongi held his hand out...desperate for a girl to take it for the first time in his life.

"Give me a chance..."

Rolling her eyes, briefly pacing, rubbing at her shivering arms, no matter what she did that one sane voice inside of her  head seemed to be nowhere to be found.

Y/n took his hand in hers, surprised by just how sweaty it was. She shook it...barely realizing that in that moment she had sealed her fate. A fate that she would be surprised to know she wouldn't have wanted to end any other way.

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