Chapter 4: Silver

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*When Y/n is passed out*

When you had reached the end of the boat you had no idea. Your hands were spread out to your sides as you felt the mist floating about in the air on the dark and cloudy day. Your eyes sewed close as you could hear the shuffling of two pairs of feet on deck, but in that moment you couldn't care less. You would see brief moments of the light clawing it's way past the overwhelming darkness only for it to dissipate completely...but it was alright  as you dwelled in the night anyway. "Do it" you heard a man's voice from where the classic wheel of the ship resided. You watched as the captains eyes flickered over to you. You blinked quickly, a moment for your eyes to quit being so dry and when you opened them your body was flipped...


You couldn't breathe. Everything around you blurred as the waves crashed into you all at once. Your hand peaked through the hurricane's eye as you tried to relieve yourself of the amount caving in. A deep breath was desperately swallowed by you before once again being drowned in water. Again and again and again as the waters of the ocean had no mercy.
"Wake up" they yelled
"It's not working" a different sound boomed your eyebrows furrowed though the ocean rested your creases as another wave collided with your being
"Wake up" a booming voice sounded

Your mouth opened as you took in a loud wavering breath, sweat sticking to your forehead as your eyes felt like they were ready to pop out of their sockets. Breathing practically hurt for you at this point as you looked up, shocked, at the boys that stood in front of you.

How many were there?....four?....five?...

You shook your head trying your best to make sense of the situation.

"What do you- what do you need" you coughed out, feeling as though the water still encompassed your body.

One of the smaller boys stepped up near you, arms folded and eyes piercing yours.

Your head dipped as you coughed once again only to have it yanked up to meet the smaller's eyes. 

You felt your neck pain but you were too shocked to do anything.

He examined your face...looking at it as if evidence of a crime was written all over it. 

"Where is he" he asked in a low voice.

"Wh-who?" you were beyond confused. What was even going on? Where were you? Who did they need?

"This is all a misunderstanding. I mean I don't know anyone you could possibly-"

"SHUT UP" a voice boomed from the back

You felt your chair move while the whole building rumbled. You gulped as your eyes widened. Your whole body trying to move back into the chair as the louder voice approached you.

He yanked his mask off quickly not giving your eyes enough time to adjust.

He was...beautiful.

Silver hair was parted in the middle as it brushed lightly upon his honey skin. He was breathing heavily as he looked at you.

"Where is Yoongi hyung?" he asked you making you furrow your eyebrows.


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