Chapter 7: Agust D

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As my eyes opened I scoffed contrary to the fluttery feeling I had felt mere moments ago, "Don't you mean Already?" he had said making me want to punch his perfect little face. I folded my hands about my chest as I looked up at the man that was clearly grinning down upon me. What was he so cocky for anyway?  

"Don't ever touch me again" I said to him as I shook my head and shivered in the cold, forever rain. 

"Of course princess" he smiled a little less condescendingly. I saw his own body move a bit as he was starting to feel the torrents of rain seep through his jacket and onto his pale skin.

And yet I proceeded to see him drape his jacket over me, covering me so I wouldn't feel as he did....

I was grateful yet to occupied in my own thoughts to say so

"So what now......?" I asked, grabbing onto the jacket about me out of habit.

"Now...I hope you didn't have an previous plans for you life because you're as good as stuck with me" there was a flicker of something that passed through his gaze which caused me to shiver

But as quickly as it came the trance surrounding the mysterious man lifted. My eyes went wide...

My whole life???


"Yea......great talking to you if you don't mind I gotta go back to my regular shift. Thanks for saving me and gbye!" I said through smiling teeth as I tossed the jacket back onto the man.

I heard him chuckle a bit before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me back into the dark corners of the street. 

"I wasn't kidding" he said with an amused grin

"Did I really hit you that hard or what? What's wrong with your head?" I questioned tapping his forehead with my pointer finger

"Huh?" he replied one eyebrow jumping up

"You can NOT keep me hostage.... I don't even know your name for gods sake"I muttered the last bit as I scrunched up my nose.

"Agust" he replied

"My name is Agust D."

"That's great hun but there is still no way you're keeping me. I have a life. I have a job and an empty apartment to get back to. In fact I think that damn couch wants me to crash into it right now so if you don't mind I really gotta-"

He heaved a heavy sigh before his arm slammed into the building that bordered the alleyway as he caged me in a suffocating box with his body.

"You better stop talking or I'll have to kiss you again"

His eyes skimmed my face as they awaited my reaction. The initial shock from his actions slowly left me as I leaned back against the wall casually and rolled my eyes.

"I told you to never touch me again" I remarked bringing back a conversation that seemed to have flown through one ear and out his other.

"I don't think I am right now" he said as he neared me even closer.

A strange mix between a small squeal and a cry for help escaped me which made Agust's eyes wider than anyones I had ever seen. I slapped my hand over my mouth immediately realizing what I had done. 

"I HEARD A NOISE OVER THERE" that same gun man called out distantly

Our conversation which had been filled with furious whispered had now found a perpetrator: a solid scream. My heart began beating quicker as I feared the return of the armed men.

Agust swiftly pulled his jacket on me and  zipped it up, the hood following to cover my face. His hand slid into mine as if it were natural to be there. 

"Unless you want to be found you better keep up this time."

This is exhausting..... I internally sighed as I ran behind him.

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