A Beginning

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A boy and a girl stood side by side in an open field. The wind blew gently and their hair swayed as it did. Suddenly the girl spoke out with words that broke the boys heart, "I have to leave tomorrow."

"But why? Can't you just stay here?" the boy asked as tears welled in his eyes.

"I really wish I could but my mommy has to get a better job. I'm sorry." she told him.

"It's okay, there's nothing you can do. Why don't we have some fun on your last day today?" the boy suggested.

The girl nodded and they ran off to play in the woods. They arrived at a small hut in a clearing, they had gotten some pokemon to help them build it a while back. A Pikachu waited there for them and when they arrived it hopped on the boys lap as he sat down. They laughed a little, cried a little and talked some too. But before long the girl had to go to bed so she could go in the morning. 

That night the boy cried as his mother held him and across the street the girl did the same. When morning came and the boy woke up he looked outside and saw the girl waiting with her mother. He stepped outside and pulled her into a hug as the tears flowed down his face.

"Some day I'll see you again, I promise." he told her.

Then without another word, she left him behind. After that their lives went on, or at least hers did. The boy became bitter as his life went on, while the girl managed to become happy again. The girl went to find her own dream and she went on to perform and win the hearts of thousands, as she spread joy and happiness wherever she went. She made new friends and traveled with them, made memories with them and with time she forgot the boy from her childhood.  She would forget his face, his voice, his everything. His laugh would come to her in dreams but she would wake up unsure of what she had heard. 

The boy however didn't become happy, he remained angry and when he was old enough he went off on his own for a while. A Pikachu on his shoulder and a scowl on his face. He became strong for the girl, never forgetting. But as time went on he came to hate his memories and therefore came to hate her as well. He never made friends so he would never lose them either. One day though his mother told him they were going to move and without a word he accepted it. When they moved he remained bitter but seemed happier at the idea of being somewhere new. He only ever cared for one friend, the Pikachu. It was all he had left of a time when his memories were happy and despite all of his hate he couldn't bring himself to hate the pokemon.

One day a boy would move into the house next to the girl, she wouldn't know him but they would be attending a school together. They would come to resent each other for a time, then to accept and eventually they would come to find that their memories mattered and that they could be friends yet again. The girl would become determined to do one thing, save him.

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