The Truth

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Red sat beneath a tree by the school in the wee hours of the morning. He hadn't slept well and decided to take a walk, but he ended up just going to school instead of heading home. A notepad sat in his lap as Pikachu laid down, curled up by the tree, on the notepad was a drawing of said Pikachu. Red had set a small camping lantern by them since it was still dark outside. They stayed there for a while before Pikachu awoke to hear a noise, someone was walking nearby. Red noticed as well and he knew that nobody should be out here at this hour, at least he had been a strange person already so being where he was like that at that time wasn't that odd for him. But this new person probably had no reason to be there.

Red slowly stood up and grabbed Pikachu onto his shoulder before shoving his note pad into his satchel with his school stuff. He walked around the corner quietly and saw a figure run across the sidewalk and around the next corner. He carefully made his way to the next corner and when he turned it, no one was there. Shrugging it off he turned around came face to face with some girl. 

"Who are you?" Red asked, unfazed by the sudden jump scare of the girl.

"Oh? You don't remember me? We met a few years ago Red." she said.

"No." Red told her, she began to open her mouth to tell him but he cut her off, "And I don't want to either."

"Oh, well that's alright! I go to this school anyway so I'll see you tomorrow!" she said happily as she skipped back down the sidewalk and away from the school.

Red shook his head and made his way back to his spot beneath the tree and fell asleep. When he woke up he covered his eyes as the sun rose over the trees, he still had some time before school. After his eyes adjusted to the light he stood up and saw someone leaving the woods. He squinted and realized it was Serena.

"Oh boy." Red muttered to himself, despite him slowly warming up to her, he still felt hurt by her forgetting him.

"Red! There you are, you weren't in the woods this morning when I went to sp-" Serena began but stopped herself, "I mean try and find you to talk to you in a non creepy way." 

Red couldn't help but be amused by her, she certainly was funny. 

"So I talked to my mom and she said she never got that letter either. Why did you want to know?" Serena inquired.

"That's not important right now. So I suppose that there's only one thing left for you to figure out huh? Who am I?" Red asked her, brushing off her question.

"I still don't know. But I'm gonna figure it out!" Serena said, determined.

"Well like I said, my clearing after school and I'll explain a few things. Try and see if you can figure out who I am before then." Red told her as the bell rang and people crowded the school.

After a few classes Serena was sat with her friends at lunch, deep in thought. She really wanted to figure out who Red was, but she didn't know how.

"Serena, are you alright?" Dawn asked her.

"Yeah Serena, you look kinda weird today." May told her.

"I'm fine, just thinking that's all." Serena told them with a smile.

"What about?" Gary asked her.

"Hmm? Oh nothing much, just something someone told me." Serena replied.

"Ooo, love confessions?" May hinted, her and Dawn going into full on shipping mode.

"No." Serena said flatly, then she realized she sounded a lot like Red and a slight blush came to her face.

"She's blushing, she must be lying!" Dawn exclaimed.

"I'm serious guys, no confessions." Serena told them as she stood up to leave.

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