The Party

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Red and Pikachu flew on Charizard for a good while before they landed at the address. Red climbed off and returned Charizard as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. He walked towards the large building and as he stepped in front of the door he pushed it open before walking in. As soon as he stepped inside of the building a large figure draped an arm around his shoulder.

"So you must be Red eh?" the large boy said, "Name's Tierno! I'm the host!"

Red stepped out from under the boys arm and glanced around, "Just tell me where I'm battling and who I'm battling against."

"Woah woah slow down there tiger!" Tierno joked, slapping Red playfully on the back.

Red shot him a glare, "I'm not here because I'm your friend, I'm here to battle."

"Alright fine, it's an elimination style battle. Two people start and whoever wins stays in." Tierno explained, "It's one on one but the winner can substitute."

Red nodded and followed the larger boy out to the battlefield, where a lot of people were waiting.

"Oh by the way, you're up first." Tierno told him with a grin and a light push towards the battlefield.

A boy with short blonde hair stepped up and called out a Pangoro.

"Pikachu, let's do this." Red said to his friend.

Pikachu hopped down and took his stance on the battlefield. 

"Pangoro, use Mega Punch!" the boy yelled.

"Pikachu, you wanna take this one on your own tonight?" Red asked.

Pikachu nodded before shooting off with a Quick Attack, he leaped up and slammed an Iron Tail against Pangoro's Mega Punch, stopping it. Pikachu sped around Pangoro, and slammed his Iron Tail into its back. Pangoro fell to its knees and crumpled to the floor, fainted. The next person called out his Empoleon. Red told Pikachu to come back and grabbed a pokeball.

"Greninja, let's go." Red said as he tossed the pokeball into the air. He had been given a Froakie as a gift by Professor Oak back in Pallet Town.

"Gren!" the Greninja shouted.

"Empoleon use Metal Claw!" the trainer yelled.

"Greninja, Night Slash." Red commanded.

Greninja caught the Metal Claw with his purple blade and spun around as Red called out Aerial Ace. His feet glowed as he sent the Empoleon flying back a ways. Then the other trainer called out a Drill Peck, so Red called for one more Aerial Ace. Greninja shot towards Empoleon and slammed his foot into its face before the Drill Peck hit. Then Greninja spun and sent Empoleon back to its trainer earlier than they had planned.

"Alright next battle!" Tierno called out.

"Hey there, Red is it? I'm Gary and I'm gonna kick your ass!" a boy yelled out.

Red simply stood still as Gary called out his Electivire, Red decided not to call back Greninja just yet.

"Alright start off with Thunder Punch!" Gary yelled.

"Night Slash, then send it flying with Aerial Ace." Red said calmly.

Greninja shot forwards and caught the Thunder Punch with the Night Slash before slamming his foot into Electivire, sending it flying. Red knew that even though it wasn't very effective it still hit hard and had some kick to it.

"Take it out with Thunderbolt!" Gary yelled.

The Thunderbolt came crackling towards Greninja who quickly brought up a Night Slash to block it before using Double Team.

"Iron Tail on all of them!" Gary commanded.

Electivire slammed its glowing tails around but when it was done Greninja wasn't there. Instead Greninja had leaped above Electivire and was about to slam down a Night Slash. When the attack hit home, Electivire was down for the count.

After a few more battles it was time for the last one and Red still hadn't lost. His final opponent was none other than Calem who was grinning like a madman. Red calmly stared down the wack-job and returned Greninja. Then he pulled out another pokeball, as he threw it, out came a Lucario.

"Hmph, fine then, let's go Chesnaught!" Calem called out as he threw his own pokeball.

In his travels Red had learned of his Aura, he had powerful Aura so he had learned to control it somewhat. He was no master but he was alright at it.

Lucario, ready?

Lucario growled in response, excited for the battle.

"Chesnaught, use Brick Break!" Calem commanded.

Bone Rush to catch it, then send Chesnaught back with Aura Sphere.

Chesnaught shot forward and slammed its fist towards Lucario who simply slammed the Aura bone into its arm before charging and Aura Sphere and launching Chesnaught into the air with it.

Good, now get up there and use Metal Claw.

Lucario jumped up and extended the steel claws before slamming them into Chesnaught, sending it flying down to earth. As Chesnaught hit the ground smoke erupted everywhere and when it cleared Chesnaught had lost once again.

"Why you!" Calem yelled as he ran at Red. Red simply returned Lucario and walked away, letting Calem run right past him.

"Come back here you pathetic coward!" Calem yelled at him, by now everyone was watching in shock.

Red stopped moving and allowed Calem to run at him, but just before Calem could slam his fist into Reds face a voice called out.

"Calem stop this now!" it was Serena.

"Why?! What do you care for this loser?!" Calem yelled at her, raising his hand to slap her as she came closer.

Calem swung his hand down at her but before he could hit her Red grabbed his wrist. Calem turned to look at him but what he saw terrified him, Reds eyes were glowing a horrifying shade of red. Red bent back Calems arm just to where it was about to break before shoving him into the wall. 

"Don't touch her, dumbass." Red said coldly, and quiet enough so only Calem heard, before jerking his arm, sending Calem flying to the floor. 

With those words Red walked out of the building and as he did he heard Serena say, "We're done Calem." as she ran after him.

By the time Serena got out the front door, Red was gone, "Thank you." she whispered.

Red smiled as he heard her words from above her on Charizard, then he flew off back to his house. When he arrived home he flopped down to his bed and drifted off into sleep.

Serena arrived home and laid down as well, she had had one the most insane days in her life. She broke up with Calem and heard what Red whispered to him. It filled her with hope the possibility of him not hating her, even though she knew that there was still something she had yet to understand about Red, she was getting there. She drifted off into a peaceful sleep after that, happily awaiting the coming day.

There we go, two in one day! Hope you guys like it, and we got to see a bit of 'Reds' power there too. Will Serena figure out why Red hates her? Will Red stop hating her? Maybe maybe not, find out soon though! See you next time!

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