The Clubhouse

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*Ding* the sound came across the room to Ash's tired ears as he lay in bed. He reached over to his phone and picked it up, turning on the screen he saw a text.

Serena: come to that Espresso Yourself place, I brought everyone over and we had an idea

Ash: gimme a few, I'm getting out of bed still

Serena: fine

Ash pulled on a pair of jeans and a black hoodie before grabbing his earbuds, he decided to let Pikachu sleep and he left the house.. It had been a couple of weeks since the day Ash started going by Ash again and he had found that he fit in pretty well with Serena's friends. He was still getting used to group chats and lunch tables and sometimes he still didn't sit with them and sat alone but he was getting there. After a while of walking Ash came upon the Espresso Yourself coffee shop and saw everyone was already inside. 

"There you are! Come on!" May called out when she saw Ash.

"Hold on." Ash replied as he stepped inside the building, "So what's this idea?"

"We're gonna fix this place up and make it our new hang out place!" Gary exclaimed with a grin.

"Fix it up? We're only a bunch of teenagers, none of us have jobs so that means no money to by anything." Ash pointed out with a flat face.

"No need to worry, let's just say I know a guy." Drew told him with a smirk.

"Stop trying to sound cool, it's your dad not some drug dealer." May said as she smacked the back of Drew's head.

Ash couldn't help but laugh a little at the comment and soon everyone joined in, even Drew. Then they explained the rest of the plan to Ash, Drews dad worked at a scrap yard and Gary had some connections with a few construction and lumber people because of his dad. Mays mom worked at a furniture store and Dawns older brother could get them wallpaper and stuff like that since he worked at a local store that had a little bit of everything. Serena and Ash couldn't do much in terms of supplies but Serena would help decorate and Ash was fit and strong so could help with the hard labor.

"That actually sounds kinda reasonable." Ash said, impressed.

With that, they set off to work on cleaning up what was around already. Serena had brought some cleaning supplies so they started to get rid off the dust and dirt that was everywhere.

While they were cleaning Ash couldn't help but ask, "Serena, how exactly did this idea start?"

"Oh, well they all got here and Gary made a joke about secretly selling drugs or something like that and Drew told him that instead of that we could just hang out here if we cleaned it up a bit." Serena explained.

Ash just sighed and smiled to himself a little as he worked, he was actually enjoying his time with his new friends. After a couple of hours they got the place cleaned up enough to start moving stuff into the dumpsters out back. They took out whatever wasn't nailed down that was in to bad of shape to keep and tossed it. When they were done the place actually didn't look half bad. 

"Well, seeing as it's only Saturday how about we come back tomorrow with some of the stuff and get to work?" Gary proposed to the group.

"Sure." Drew said.

"Sounds good." Ash replied.

"Alright well I gotta head out, see everyone later." Dawn said as she left.

"Bye!" May exclaimed.

"See ya." Serena said as she to began to go towards the exit, "Ash, wanna walk home with me?"

"Sure." Ash said as they walked out the door and in the direction of their houses.

"So, not half bad of a place to hang out huh?" Serena asked as they walked.

"Not bad at all." he told her with a grin.

"Well aren't you mister happy today, what's with that?" Serena teased.

"I just had a good day with everyone today, that's all." Ash told her.

Serena hummed in response before taking a deep breath, "So Ash, the school dance is coming up and I was wondering if you might, umm, if you might maybe wanna go with me?"

"Huh? School dance?" Ash asked, confused.

"Yeah, the dance they announced practically everyday this past week." Serena told him.

"Oh umm, sure I'll go with you." he told her, "But I warn you I suck at dancing."

"That's alright, I'll teach you at some point." she told him, "By the way the dance is on Friday."

Ash nodded before he noticed they weren't heading towards their houses.

"Umm Serena? Isn't home that way?" he asked, pointing towards their street.

"Yeah, but we're going to go somewhere today." Serena told him.

Ash just kept quiet and followed her until they arrived at a small cliff over the water. Below them was a large lake and around them small Pidgeys were nested in the trees. Serena sat down so Ash did the same.

"Isn't it pretty?" Serena spoke up.

"Yeah, it is." Ash replied, although he wasn't looking at the water or the sky, he was looking at Serena with a small smile on his face.

"C'mon, let's go down to the lake." Serena said as she stood up and pulled Ash down a path.

They arrived at the lake and sat on the shore, relaxing, then Serena saw a flash of pink swim by in the water so she decided to look for it. Standing up, Serena walked over to the water and peered in, Ash walked beside her and looked as well. Then they saw it, a group of Luvdisc swimming by, not only were the pokemon shaped like hearts but the way they swam they were in one big heart. Serena waded out into the water, dragging Ash behind her. Then as they got out a little further the Luvdisc began to swim in a circle around the pair.

Serena looked at Ash and blushed when she realized that the pokemon thought they were together, but Ash just stared at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"N-nothing!" Serena exclaimed.

"Is it the Luvdisc?" he asked, Serena was shocked he knew that easily.

She nodded, causing him to chuckle a little, "Don't worry about them, let's head home."

Serena nodded again and the pair set off towards their homes, when they got back they said their goodbyes for the day. Later that night they both lay down in their beds and smiled, Serena had asked Ash to the dance, which she had wanted to do since the announced it. And Ash had found a good group of friends and was finally becoming himself again, it made him happy to have forgiven Serena and met the others. 

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