Setting Out

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Ash and Serena

After their date over the weekend, both Ash and Serena had become a couple; much to the joy of their friends. Their respective parents were happy for them as well, and both made sure to tease the young lovers frequently. But when Ash made a request of Grace Yvonne, things went south.

"You expect me to allow something like that?!"

"Ma'am with all due res-" Ash tried to reason with the woman, but was cut off.

"Ash, this is not something that either of us can allow." Delia told him, "You both have obligations here, in school."

"School can only do so much, experience is the true teacher." Ash said as he tried to convince them both, "Dreams matter, and a school can't do anything for those."

"Dreams or not, education is extremely important." Grace told him sternly, "My answer is no."

"Miss Yvonne, I retired from the league for this." Ash revealed, much to the shock of both the women as well as someone else who had just walked in.

"Y-you did what?" Serena gaped at her boyfriend, eyes wide.

"I retired from the league, I am no longer the Champion of Kanto." he said flatly, "What I am asking here is extremely important."

"And what are you asking?" Serena stepped up beside him, confusion written all over her face.

"Serena Yvonne, I would like to formally ask you to travel the Kalos region with me and fulfill your dream." he looked her in the eye, "To be Kalos Queen."

"Y-you..." her eyes began to tear up, "Thank you so much Ash!"

The girl wrapped her arms around Ash, a massive smile on his face as she cried tears of joy.

"But you will not go." Grace said once more, glaring at Ash, "You're to young to travel alone with with your boyfriend."

"Miss Yvonne I hope you know I would never do any-" Ash looked astounded.

"You say that now but what happens if you both start and can't stop?" Grace's eyes were like ice, cold and hard.

"Grace, I don't think either one of them would do that." Delia looked to her friend.

"You should realize how much I care for your daughter. She means the world to me and after everything the two of us have been through I would never dream of harming her in any way." Ash stepped towards Grace, "I am asking you because this is her dream, I've done everything I can to make this happen and you're the last piece of the puzzle."

"I know that..." Grace sighed, giving in, "But I want to hear from the both of you as often as possible and young man if you so much as make her cry I will-"

"Gosh mom, he's not gonna make me cry..." Serena wiped the last of the happy tears from her eyes, "And that's not crying it being happy..."

"Keep her safe Ash..." Grace said quietly before speaking up, "Go pack then Serena, the school year's almost over so you'll just miss the end."

"Thank you mom!" Serena hugged her mother as she ran up the stairs.

"Please Ash..." Grace spoke, "You have experience in this kind of thing so just... make sure she stays safe."

"You have my word." Ash nodded, a serious look on his face.

"Have fun Ash, I know this is what you're meant for." Delia smiled at her son, "You too Pikachu."

"Pi! Pikachu!"

"We will."


"So you're really gonna go?" Dawn looked at her best friend.

"Good luck bestie." May and Dawn both grabbed Serena into a hug.

"Thanks girls." Serena hugged them both back.

"Good luck man." Drew gave Ash a pat on the back, "Didn't get to know you long but your a friend."

"Don't be naughty." Gary winked at his friend, giving him a clap on the shoulder.

"Haha, it's been fun." Ash gave both his friends high fives and turned to Serena, "Ready?"



"Cynthia..." Ash stood at the stone grave, Serena beside him, "I did it. I resigned from the league and I'm going on an adventure with Serena."

"I'm proud of you..."

"You were the one who made me realize how stupid I was being."

"That's because you are stupid, stupid." 

"Thank you for bringing him back to me."

"Any time Serena, good luck with him."

"Goodbye, old friend..."

"Goodbye Red..."


"Here we go." Serena muttered as she and Ash stood hand in hand at the start of the path.

"This is our story Sere, let's make it a good one." Ash gave her hand a light squeeze as he smiled at her.

They both stepped forward and onto the path, leaving home behind they began their journey. One that would end their Younger Years.

A/N: One more chapter left in this one! The final chapter will be out soon, it will be titled: Epilogue-Younger Years-. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter despite it being shorter.

Younger Years (ALTERNATIVE: SAVING HIM)Where stories live. Discover now