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"Get out."

"Wha-" Serena began but was cut off by Red.

"I said get out. So leave." he said, eyes cutting deep into Serena.

"But I-" Serena tried to speak as tears welled in her eyes.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave..." the nurse spoke from near the door.

"I-" Serena was once more cut off.

"Ma'am you're upsetting my patient, leave now or I will call security." the nurse warned her sternly.

"Come on Serena." Grace spoke, still slightly shocked by what had happened but knowing that they needed to leave.

The mother and daughter left the room, Serena's eyes still dripping tears into her hands. In the room, Delia was staring shocked at her son who once more had a cold emotionless look in his eyes.

"Miss Delia, your sun seems to have lost his memory according to our tests. It's nothing serious, and only seems to be memory of the past couple of months, around the time that summer ended and fall began." the nurse explained.

"H-he what?" she muttered in response.

"I'm sorry." the nurse said before a knock was heard at the door.

The nurse opened it and saw several figures standing there, after verifying their allowance to enter she let them in.

"Red." one of the people spoke as he entered the room, black cape coming to rest around him.

"L-Lance what are you doing here?! What are all of you doing here?!" Red spoke as he looked around the room to see his own Elite Four, Cynthia and Steven.

"Champion, you gave us quite the scare." Agatha spoke, tapping her can lightly.

"Sorry about that, how's the Plateau been?" Red asked, turning his head to his Elite four.

"I've been beaten once while you were out." Lorelei admitted, casting her eyes down.

"But I crushed him." Bruno told the young Champion, "He may be of concern later on but he is not yet ready for you Champion."

Red nodded before turning to his fellow Champions who had yet to speak, "Cynthia, Steven. How have you been?"

"I've been well, unlike yourself it would seem..." Steven replied.

"Worried about my friend nearly dying, but besides that fairly good." Cynthia told him.

Red and Cynthia were close friends ever since Red had achieved Champion status and met the blonde haired girl. They were only a year apart in age, Red taking the title of the youngest Champion in history of the Pokemon League.

"Speaking of your near death, we've had to take precautions now. I've managed to get the news reporters off the case so no one will know what happened outside of those that were there but from witness reports it would seem that there were two other culprits in your attack. Is that true?" Lance spoke, a serious look setting onto his face.

"No idea, I can't remember a thing about it. Actually I can't even remember anything past when I started school here." Red admitted.

"Hmm..." Lance hummed to himself int thought, "In any case those that were at the scene of the attack claim that two other trainers by the names of Trevor and Tierno were at the scene of the attack, assisting your attacker. They haven't been seen since and so the Pokemon Association has decided that this may be connected with the rising danger int he reason, a group from the Unova region, by the name of Team Plasma seems to have taken to moving their operation here. So both Cynthia and Steven will be staying here to help you recover and investigate the rumors of Plasma once you are well. We have assurance that their Elite Four will be able to handle all challengers, but should they be needed they will fly to their regions to battle and then return."

"If the Pokemon Association deems that necessary then so be it. But how do you plan to disguise them? Kanto isn't nearly as big of a tourist spot as Sinnoh and Hoenn so there really isn't anyway they haven't been seen." Red questioned.

"I'll be dying my hair and cutting my hair just a little. Then I'll attending school with you." Cynthia explained.

"I'm less known than you might think Red, don't forget that my usual pastime involves rocks and caves. I'll simply adorn some new clothes and do my best to blend in." Steven said, shrugging his shoulders.

Red nodded and the group talked a while longer before they left the room. Red had to spend a little more time in the hospital but due to his more prominent Aura he had stayed relatively healthy and wouldn't need much time to recover.

Pikachu was still asleep beside him when Red woke up a few days later, ready to leave the hospital. The nurse assisted him in removing everything that had been attached to him previously and before long they left.

The next day, Red left his house to head out for school only to be stopped by a face he really did not want to see. Serena.

"Hey Ash!" she called out, running up to him.

"That's not my name, now leave." Red said calmly, although he was surprised by her knowledge of his name.

"It is. You told me, we're friends Ash." she spoke, trying to convince him.

"Look, whatever I may have told you was probably a lie. So leave be alone." Red said sternly.

Serena went to speak again but was cut off by another voice.

"Red! Hey!" the voice called out.

Red turned to see Cynthia with shorter hair, still long but shorter than it was, dyed brown. She was wearing a black skirt and a grey and black shirt, she also had taken off her earrings.

"Hey Cynth." Red replied with a wave as she got closer, "Come on, let's go."

"Who was that?" Cynthia asked after they had gotten further away from Serena, "You looked unhappy."

"I was. I used to know her but we aren't friends anymore." Red explained as he absentmindedly rubbed Pikachus tail.

"Chaa~" the small electric type cooed before hopping over to greet Cynthia.

"Hey there Pikachu!" Cynthia exclaimed as Pikachu curled up in her arms.

Pikachu was a little dissapointed at Red's behavior towards Serena but understood the situation. And he also like Cynthia, she was nice in his opinion. A short while later Red and Cynthia arrived at school, where they went their separate ways for a little while.

Red walked into his class only to be welcomed by an annoying sight and sound.

"Yo!" Gary Oak called out, waving at Red.

Red simply shot the boy a glare and walked to the back of the classroom. The day went on, a few people tried to ask if Red was alright after missing so much school but no one seemed to have heard about the attack. At the end of the day Red met up with Cynthia and the pair made their way to the forest to their street.

"So Cynth, what did you think of the worlds most boring school?" Red asked with a slight chuckle.

"Not bad, but not very fun." Cynthia replied, "I heard you used your Aura powers?"

"Yeah, wanna spar?" Red suggested.

Cynthia too had Aura powers, she had been trained by her Lucario and had helped Red discover his own powers. While Cynthia had more training, Red was still learning where he could.

"Sure." Cynthia said, smiling at the idea.

The two walked into a nearby clearing and took their positions before charging at each other.

Nearby, Serena watched on with a sad expression before leaving. She could see it in his movements and attitude, he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, for whatever reason it was that he had lied to her.

So there you go! Ash, I mean Red, has amnesia and Cynthia is young like him. Serena is sad and who knows what will happen! WARNING: Shipping will be weird, I still love and fully support Amourshipping but my version of Red/Ash and my version of Cynthia may be experimented with for shipping. Just remember this person is not Ash, he is Red Ash: Rash if you will. Well I hope everyone enjoyed, see yah!

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