Making A Decision

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WARNING! This chapter contains some bad stuff, nothing M rated but still messed up!


Ash quickly made his way across the school campus, a hood pulled over his head. Ever since he came back from the battle in Kanto, everyone was bothering him. He had finally made his way into the woods, the only place he could hide anymore. Walking into the clearing, the boy looked around to make sure no one had found it and to his relief he was alone.

"Hey!" a voice spoke beside Ash, causing the young champion to jump in surprise.

"Oh, it's only you..." he muttered as he fell down, looking at Serena as she sat beside him with Pikachu.

"How was he?" Ash had left the small yellow pokemon in Serena's care for the day so that he would attract less attention.

"He loved the attention, and the ketchup someone bought him after they saw him eating some." Serena giggled as she took the boys hat and put it on her own head.

"I bet he did," Ash smiled slightly, "Can I ask you something? Well two things..."

"Sure." Serena looked at the boy who wore a serious expression.

"First off, did you ever have a dream?  A goal?"

"Y-yeah, once..." she looked down, "I wanted to be a Pokemon Performer."

"What stopped you?"

"I was no good, I had no confidence in myself and then I started school..."

"Well..." he placed his hand on her shoulder, "Never give up 'til the very end."

"What was your other question?"

"I-" he started but stopped himself as he took a deep breath, "First off I want to say thank you, for everything you've done for me. It's made me realize something, so I wanna ask you: Serena, would you like to go out with me this weekend?"

"Yes!" she tackled him to the ground with a massive smile, "I'd love to go out with you..."

"I'm glad..."


"Ash honey! What are you doing?" Delia asked her son as she saw him walking to the house.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just gonna grab Pikachu and head over to hang out with Serena and the others." he told her as he opened the door.

"Alright, tell her hit for me." Delia called after her son from the garden as he walked into the house to find Pikachu.

The pair exited the house and ran off towards the old coffee shop turned club house. When they arrived, Ash noticed something was off. Normally the door was open and Serena always waited outside for him.

A scream tore through the silence as Ash got closer to the building; the boy was inside in a flash.

"Well well well..." a voice spoke as Ash ran inside, "Looks like the freak show's in town."

"Calem." Ash growled out, eyes flashing red briefly before returning to brown, "What are you doing here?"

"Saying hi to my girlfriend of course." Calem smiled as he yanked Serena into view, "Looks like you're the first to arrive so I'll give you a private show."

The boys hand traveled to Serena's hair as he smirked at Ash.

"Get your filthy hands off her..." Ash slowly stepped towards the boy, "Or you'll leave here without them."

"Hey!" Gary's voice floated towards them as the others arrived.

"Calem?!" Dawn glared at him as she stepped inside.

"No private show I suppose..." Calem smiled, his hand cupping the poor girls cheek "That's okay, now everyone can watch."

"Unhand her." Ash's eyes began to turn red again, "Now."

"What if I don't?" Calem began to move his face towards Serena's, but it was met with a fist.

"Don't touch me!" Serena had punched him in the mouth, hard.

"You heard her." Ash grabbed the boy by the arm, "Now leave."

"Why you..." Calem went to hit Serena but was stopped by Ash.

Ash's eyes were now blazing red with anger, "Leave or you can go back to prison."

Ash noticed Drew was dialing the police on his phone.

"Let's go for the latter."


The police collected Calem, and Ash; along with the others, enjoyed the remainder of the day. Serena was a bit shaken up, but she insisted she was going to be fine. Ash's eyes were brown again and they were all sitting on the couches and chairs. The next day was Ash and Serena's date, something they were both excited for.

Dawn and May were gossiping with Serena bout date things and the boys were playing a game of poker; betting with potato chips they found in the pantry. They spent their time together, happy to have friends like one another. When they departed, Ash and Serena walked home together; smiles on their faces.

"Goodnight Ashy..." Serena pressed her lips to his cheek, "Thanks for helped me today."

"Any time," he smiled at her, "See ya tomorrow."


"It's time..." Ash held an object in his hand, a sad smile on his face, "Goodbye..."

A/N: Hey! What do you think everyone? Did I take Calem too far? I think it was fine but I'd love to hear your thoughts. I also want to say that this story is nearing its end, it's been a great time writing it but the time is coming soon. There will be a few more chapters yet but things will start wrapping up now, thanks for reading everyone!

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