The Aftermath

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Serena was sat on her bed, she wasn't sure how long it had been since Ash had been attacked but she heard her mom mention that it had been at least a month. After the operation, which was successful, they had pronounced Ash to be in a coma. From there Serena had lost track of time, she had shown up to school after a while but when she heard them announce what had happened she broke out into tears and ran out of the school. 

Delia was even worse off, Serena and Grace had to practically force her to eat anything and the poor woman was always muttering about how 'that Calem bastard should be dead'. Ash had meant the world to her and now he was hurt and they didn't even know if he would wake up. Serena blamed herself for what happened, she couldn't help but think that maybe if she had stayed with Calem she could have stopped him or maybe he wouldn't have even had a problem with Ash if not for her interest in the now comatose boy.

Serena looked out the window of her room, eyes red and puffy from crying. She watched as the snow began to fall, only a few days from Christmas and Ash was stuck in a hospital with tubes and wires stuck to him. Slowly but surely, the honey blond girl made her way to the door. Her clothes were a mess as she made her way out of the room and down the stairs where he mom was waiting to drive her to the hospital to see Ash. They got in the car and Serena looked out at the snow as they drove.

After a short while they reached the hospital and Serena checked in as she made her way to see Ash. When she arrived at his door she hesitated, she was scared that she walk in and he would be gone. It had become a regular thing for her to do, she would always stop and tremble a little before walking in and sighing in relief as she saw his peaceful breaths.

Ash walked through an empty hallway, the tiled floor and his feet made clacking noises as he walked. The blank white and grey walls seemed to go on endlessly, but as Ash blinked they were gone, he was in clearing in a forest. He saw himself training with his pokemon, and as he looked around he saw Serena in the bushes, watching him. He wanted to smile at how she hid from sight, but he couldn't, instead his face twisted into a scowl as he glared at her.

Ash blinked again and was on a battlefield, his battlefield in Kanto where a challenger was across from him with an Arcanine. Ash had Greninja in front of him and then he blinked again and it all went black.

Serena watched on as Ash lay in the hospital bed, not moving aside from his gentle breaths. Soon the time came for her to leave and Delia came to be with her son for the night. Serena arrived home with her mother later and simply sat on her bed, tears once again streaming down her face as she thought about Ash.

Chapters will be short until Ash wakes up because there really isn't much to say now. Just Serena crying and Ash hopefully not dying.

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