Chapter one(edited)

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"Man I can't wait for this comic con!" said Stiles walking with Scott to his house for the night.

"I know but I hear Derek was going for some reason..." Said Scott with concern.

Stiles looked at him with a questionable look on his face, but did not say anything more about it for he is all pumped up for this comic con. As they went up to Scott's room and was playing video games and for Stiles putting the last touches on his "Attack On Titan" jacket with the whole set up for the contest for best costume first three winners get backstage pass for the comic con concerts and can take a friend with them.

"Scott I can't really wait for this I'm so going to win this!" Said Stiles looking at his friend who just fell asleep on the floor.

Then Stiles did the same and headed to sleep on the other side of the bed. That night Scott had this bad dream about this girl who look familiar from somewhere who had been bitten by a werewolf who looked like......HIM!!

"AHHHHH!" He yelled on top of his lungs to the point Stiles looked at him with concern on his face.

"Scott what happen dude you scared the hell out of me!!" Said Stiles with his freaked out face.

"I don't want to talk about it okay." Said Scott looking away from his friend worried if it was real or not.

With that it was Friday and the comic con was on Saturday thru Monday of next week. And they need to get ready for school before Scott's mom comes in to do so. They got ready in ten minutes and head to school, once there Scott saw Kira and everyone else but when they got inside home room they saw their teacher got out of his chair to introduce a new student to the class.

"We'll this Kesha Jones and she is a little tall for her age but she's sweet to know she was suppose to be here at the beginning of the year but had family issues pleases make her feel welcome!" Said the teacher telling her to come in the room.

To our surprise she was about almost 7 feet tall she had to tilt her head down to come in front of the class. She was dark skinned girl with long black wavy hair who had pants that now look like competes with a "Attack On Titan" shirt on.

"Hello I'm Kesha Jones I'm about 6'4 and I do play lacrosse nice to meet you all." She said with a small smile.

"Wow she's very tall for a girl and she plays lacrosse, what do you think Scott?" Said Stiles thru a whisper to Scott.

"I think that's fine but something about her is familiar to me." Scott said back to Stiles.

Over the next few class was just fine until lunchtime Scott was sitting alone and saw Kesha looking to find a seat he told her to come over to sit with him. She looked happy and came over with a chair since she can't sit in the lunch table chairs because of her legs. She looked at him with a smile.

"Hello I'm Kesha and you must be Scott McCall." She said with a weak smile.

"Yes I am how did you know my name?" He asked with amazement.

"Well I shouldn't expect you to remember me since I was the shortest girl in middle school." She said with embarrassed look on my face.

He looked at me a little bit more before he saw that she had a scar on my right eyebrow. And began to connect the dots and said " lil Kesha kesh" he said with a smile.

"Yep that's me except the lil part I guess." She said with a small grin.

"How are you haven't seen you in years and your tall, wow." He said with a happier tone.

"Well I've move to Pennsylvania for a while and once I was ready for high school we move back to beacon hills a couple weeks ago. I'm surprised that Stiles didn't remember the shirt he gave me before I left now I can fit it at last." She said with a smile.

As they walked back on memory lane and how many times she had to get help for the reason that she was always got picked on at school for her height and Scott and Stiles where there to help her out with that. He and her shared the same birthday week which was on Saturday for him and hers was Sunday. He asked her something that was out of the blue.

"Well we need a goalie since Danny is temp leave for the last game when someone ran into him on the field and checked him can you be our goalie Kesha?" He said to her with the puppy dog eyes which she can't say no to.

"Sure why not what time is practice?" She said with a uneasy look of how is she going to be any help.

"After lunch I will text Stiles to tell your next teacher your going to lacrosse practice." He said just in time before the bell.

After that Scott and her went to the locker room to see half dressed dudes who were minding there own business, until we reach coach's office. With that coach want to see her skills until he say anything.

"Come on boys and girls get to the field...NOW!!" He said blowing his whistle.

With the sound bother her ears a little and she covered them a bit. Then she had a jersey with the number 25 on it. Scott helped her to the equipment for the goalie. With that she puts it on and headed to the net with her stick which was colored Burgundy red. Once there they all lined up an the first one was Stiles. With in no time he picked up the ball and threw it. With that She caught it and toss it back the coach was shock but not surprised of it. Next after next until it was Scott the captain of the team looking at her with a smile and threw the ball but she felt this one she would miss and she did and it hit her in the chest plate. And she fell on her butt but it didn't hurt that bad but it stung. With that the coach came up to her and told her that she made the team and with that she look at Scott and Stiles with a smile as she got up. They came over to her and shake her up to let her know that was cool and Scott said sorry for that she told him it was okay. With that she headed to the girl's locker room to see Kira Scott's girlfriend and introduce herself to her.

"Hey Kira I'm Kesha I'm an old friend of Stiles and Scott it's nice to me you." She said to her with a small smile.

"It's nice to meet since Scott didn't or Stiles but I hope since we're on the same team we can hangout or go shopping." Kira said with a excited tone.

"Well cool here's my number (727-234-7689)it a Pennsylvania number you have to use a cell phone to call me." Kesha said with her phone putting her info in there.

"Cool see you later okay Keisha I think that's right" she said trying to pronounce my name.

"Your close but it's fine you'll get it soon see you later." Kira said as she left the locker room.

Kesha took off her shirt to look at her side to see on her torso was a fresh wound as she checked it was completely healed and this was only half of her problems.......

(writer's note not a real number lol I hope you like it so far I want to update every day to finish it in 30 chapters for this book it's my first one give feedback and vote and tell me what you think about it so far!)

*update* 12/11/15 just went over the editing this chapter so I hope this a little better to read...

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