Chapter thirteen (edited)

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Kesha POV.
That night was pretty intense but I found my twin brother Kade and Scott and everyone was shocked to know. I myself was not but I now know where my mother is and my father is going to pay for this I swear.
"Kesha, bae your eyes there purple!" Said Liam holding my hand, while Scott came down with his bike helmets saying that Kira found Bret.
I then ran outside to go cool off then Scott closed the door to talk with Liam. He was a little scare for my safety and the matter of save people wasn't his strong suit. Then Stiles and Lydia was in Echoen house where they found out Meredith was the benefactor and is now at the sheriff station for questioning. Once outside Kade shows up with a folder of papers. I asked him what was in them, he looked at me and said that this our birth certificates and the fact of bestiary of where me and you fit in at. With that I saw it was like I was just getting a glimpse of the past where I saw my mom and dad fighting with that a paper that said "hybrids". Once I came back I saw that Kade was just about to say something but didn't and told me that he was not the bad guy.
"I told why would I think that of you." I said back to him with a confused look. With that I hear Scott call for me to come on but when I turn back he was gone. So came back inside to goto the back door to then see Scott and Liam ready to go but Liam asked where are you going to sit?
"Well boys I have my own ride." I said.
"Is Stiles coming to get you?" Liam asked as he looked at Scott which know what I'm talking about.
"This!" I said while my eyes change purple and then my wings came out as I jumped into the air and flew leaving them in the dust.

Third person POV.
Meanwhile Stiles was still the hospital after that chat with Brunski at Eichen house. And Lydia is at the sheriff station waiting for Meredith to speak.

Scott's POV.
Once I dropped of Liam and Kesha right outside waiting for me as she flew off I see why she cares for Liam. She keep herself out of trouble not like her brother who was always has this guilt about him like he hiding something from her. Few minutes we made it to the animal client, but she sat up on the roof looking up at the sky. I would ask her why she's not coming inside but I need to see Kira and if she's okay. Once inside I had this intense kiss from her, it was the most happiest moment I had with her. Then she took me to the back of the clinic to see everyone that was on the dead pool. Kira was then introduce me to someone but the lady already knows me. The lady's name was Satomi and she was an alpha as well. With this one of them asked are they safe here? I then told Kira that we are going to need help a lot of help.
-The next day-

Lydia POV.
Waking up leaning against the window of the police station. Sheriff Stilinski then look at me with why am I still here. But to that I told him that I'm not going anywhere.
"Did she talk yet?" I asked.
"Should of went with the median." He said frustrated.
With that deputy Parrish was saying there is nothing in Brunski's things. With that he also asked why I didn't go home but I'm in a loop telling them I'm not going anywhere until she talks. To that I weed myself to get a chance to get through to Meredith.

(basiclly Stilies and Maila are are bact together)

Chris's POV.

Just getting back from a hunter's base to take only the rarest wolfbine the yellow kind that is the hardest and the most expensive to have. Once I have put it away I saw to my right was footprints and I lean in to get my gun. And surly I walked to where those footprints lead to. I then saw someone then out of the blue I saw a needle hit my gun out of my hands then I turn back to get my pistol, but I saw a werewolf in zero point range. Then Scott comes out to say wait telling the "Bret" that this is my place which is. That stopped him as he walked away from me.

"If you were bringing guess you should've called." I said to Scott as I walked to him.

" I didn't have where to take them." He said to me.

This lead to a conversation that lead me to tell Scott that these hunters are not anymore and that they could be waiting for night fall to strike. And for Scott begin number one this was getting tricky to handle.

Third person POV.
Stiles and Malia where at his house still listen to the tape of Lydia's grandmother, trying to find a clue.

Then at the police station Lydia is talking with Meredith of how all this happen in the first place.but it came down to one person she would only talk to was Peter Hale.

Then back to Stiles and Malia whe she found that they where in the lake house in the room where they found the first decipher key.

Back at Chris Argent warehouse they are setting up a defense against the hunters after them.

With Lydia and sheriff wait for Peter to come and talk with Meredith . Once inside Peter in Meredith started to talk. It went into a total backstory of when Peter was first sent to the hospital and how it led to being with Meredith in the same room listening to him. Only his pain and agony of a madman telling her what he was going to do with his money and transform the supernatural world in his image.

Again at the warehouse The battle started to begin with the supernatural fight against the hunters of the dead pool.

At the lake house Stiles and Malia found where the dead pool was being create it was from the IBM machines behind the record recorder.Lydia did told them that the key was hidden in a wine bottle that wasn't really a wine bottle when Malia smashed it the key was there and once they turn off the machines the dead pool was finish.
Back to the battle ahead in the warehouse with the targets was about to get pinpointed to a gun until Scott ransack the soldier to save the person. With that Scott's rage was at its peak of him losing his ability to think through. With that Scott heard a cell phone heard and pulled it out of the man's pocket to show him that the dead pool and all its contacts are terminated.with that he showed the man that the game was now over.

Peter's POV.
As I was talking with Kate I realize I don't like to be rattled but since I'm this far in my plan I'm not going to back out because of my stepbrother and my sister Taylor giving birth to twins my planes are just beginning when I take down Scott McCall and Kesha Roselyn Hale and when she realized that her twin brother is only using her and that her mother let's say she's no longer with us. To know the true games begin!!!

Authors note:
This chapter was the hardest chapter I had written. For me even watching the episode for it was intense. But glad to say that the dead pool is over. But that still leaves questions to what Peter wants with Scott and Kesha in the end? I won't tell until the end so stay tuned where things are going to get a little more crazy.
With luv

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