Chapter Fourteen (edited)

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Scott's POV.
Back at home from another day from the animal clinic. But I then saw my mom with the gym bag full of money. And looked at me like I stolen something.

"Like how much did you need?" She said to me with concern in her voice.

"This is payment from the dead pool that I found in Gert's locker." I said waking to talk with her face to face.

"This belongs to are you keeping it safe under your bed In a gym bag?" She said to me expecting an answer.

I just blanked out but she asked how long did you have this? I told her too long. To that she said you have to give it back. This conversation was getting to the point I showed her that this money can take care us and Stiles bills. But she told that we can't save people from life. To this she showed me the one that's covered in blood, I knew that the money had to be returned.

Liam's POV.

So Mason and I are playing video games that I keep beating him in. For me it distracting me from the berserker I keep seeing. Mason was ready to go home to study for a history test. But I didn't want to be alone here but he told me I had a girlfriend for that so why don't call her? Simple she doesn't have have cell phone. With that I just backed out of it and told to go home. He asked I was okay. Hated that phrase a lot then my phone rang it was unknown number so I answer it was Kesha.

~Start convo~

K: hey Liam what's up?

L: nothing why don't you come over?

K: you okay babe?



L: Kesha😭

K: NO! If you hated me so much then then bye!

~End of convo~

As lay down on my bed mad but worry that outburst was uncalled for. I then was about to turn off the lights but I just them off. As I tried to sleep I just woke up hearing that thing again.

Derek POV
While I was trying to sleep with Braden with me I heard the alarm go off even with that we both end up getting up to see who was it. With Braden she had a load gun and me a pistol going to the door. Once I got to door about to open it we looked at each other to know that good. Once open we saw only Lydia all wet now looking at up at us and screaming.

~The next day ~

Scott came over to give me money that he had from Gert's locker. Scott was saying that why did it take so long to return it to you? I asked him what makes at the clinic which was minimum wage and I told him that it be good not to see it again but we went right into Lydia over last night. And that Deaton is trying to find a way to stop this.

Third Person POV
Deaton is in the underground of the church in Mexico then he realized that Kate is up to something.

Mason's POV
Me and Liam are in the gym working out but I saw he had almost 300lbs of weights on.

"Do you need a spot?" I asked

"No do you?" He said.

"No this is just my warm up pass." I said I walked over to spot him.

Then he got really defensively at me when I wanted to spot him and next thing I see is that he did it on his own and I walked out to then come pass Kesha who looked like she was going to work out. Once in side the girls workout room I see her put almost as much as Liam had on his weights, maybe more. She told me that she was find but she asked I go get her water in the hall until I saw Scott he saw me and said hey. Then looked back I see Kesha going and not stopping then a thud and struggle it sounded like Liam so Scott ran back to the boys workout room to him struggling and helped him out. As I saw Liam on the ground coughing, Scott told him that if he did want to be with them that fine but don't your friends out.

Kesha's POV
I was told to meet Kade in the place under the ground. And then I ran into Mr. Argent with gun he look at me with shock and asked why I'm here but I wonder the same for him. Next thing you know Peter shows up and then a berserker showed up for behind. As I fought it off Mr. Argent told me to run until I ran into Kade which he punched me out and took me. all I hear was Mr. Argent scream until I was out.

Kate's POV
Once at Derek's balcony I just couldn't help myself but to jump in and there i saw poor Scott and Kira looking like they have a perfect date. But once I got up this guy Scott I just had to ask him how dose one teenage boy destroy aristocrat family of hunters?

"Hey Scott dose that berserker look familiar to you?" I said defending myself.
But he looked at it like it for a bit but before he could say anything I pin him up to a pole and beat the crap out of him but he said to take him and let them go. But that wasn't in my agenda instead we all are going to church.

Third Person POV
As Stiles and Liam walked in the locker room talking about that Scott, Kira and Kesha are going to be late that sparked coach's ears into a fit for to night is the game against Davenport high school again let say this game went down the drain and Beacon Hills lost but Malia was asked to kill Kate and that Liam got his mind together. And meanwhile in tunnels Parrish helps Mr. Argent since Peter put a rod in him. But at same time Deaton was in the infirmary at eichen house until Lydia shows up to wake him up to warn the others.

Kira's POV
I woke up and saw nothing but bones all over and I look up to see no way out but I saw a door but it was locked. With my sore body I yelled for Scott's name to help me.

Stiles's POV
So after our loss from the game I heard. I went to go to Derek's loft to see if Scott and Kira were here but only to see broken glass and no sight of them. Until my phone rang to find out that Kesha and Scott, Kira are in real danger, no place to be is in Mexico.

Kate's POV
Now that you are a awake did anybody tell you about artemis and Otayon while telling him this story he knows that Kesha's is one of my berserkers, and so shall he. As I saw him beg me to stop and turn Kesha back I just didn't care once he's mine. He's going to pay for what they did to Allison.

Authors note:
This is coming down the wire to the end what happened to Scott, Kira and Kesha and dose she know that her brother is is nothing more then a sellout? More questions than answers don't worry all these answers and more are going to get answered soon. But I want to say thank you for reading my book so far and I hope to see your comments and votes soon.

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