Chapter eight (edited)

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Kesha's POV.

After that whole diseases lock down the school was close for the next week after they clean everything out. For me I had got a phone call from Malia.

Kesha: what's up.?

Malia: well can we meet at woods if that's okay?

Kesha: sure what's wrong you sound like you been crying.

Malia: I'll explain later just come okay.

Kesha: okay I'll be there give me ten minutes ok

Malia: sure thing bye.

Kesha: bye.

~End the phone call~

With that I had got dressed and and began to ride my bike to the woods where I saw her sitting on a rock where she been sitting for a long time. Walked over to her after I chained my bike to the bike rail. She looked up with tears on her face like she was crying for hours. Ran to her and hugged her she just let this happen and hugged me back.

Then we began to talk about what's going on to the point why.

" I found out I'm not even related to my dad I'm a Hale but I think I'm Derek's or Peter's child but the fact that Stiles and Scott lied to me." She said with tear coming out harder.

"What if that why he lied to you so that you don't feel like this right now." I said to her patting her back.

"If so I don't like to be lied to by someone I love he told me other stuff instead of the truth of the matter." She said with her eyes with betrayal in there.

"Well to make you feel better I didn't know anything about this and you can trust me. But give them time to explain themselves and choose what to do next. For that I hate to see you like this and Stiles is sometimes a noodle but means well and so is Scott. For now just wait for them to talk about this but don't leave us when we need you the most, okay." I said telling her what my opinion was about this.

"Fine I will wait but if they hurt me again or can't explain themselves I will be gone okay." She said in a tense tone.

With that we went our separate ways and I had rode home to see Liam sitting there on the porch waiting. I ride up to see me that the matter of him to run over to me and hug me.

I let to feel a lot better to realized that I was crying again.

For that I had went inside and to him that I will talk with him later. Closing the door behind me I walked inside to see that Scott was eating dinner which was Chinese food. I didn't feel like eating and went upstairs to my room. Scott heard me come in and headed to the stairs with that his mom went to see what's the matter.

Melissa's POV.

I heard Kesha come in but went up stairs instead, so I decide to go check with her. As I walked up the stairs to see that her door was locked. So I knocked on it to see if I could get her to answer.

"Kesha are you okay sweetie?" I said with concern.

"I'm fine! I'm just not hungry okay." She said

"Well okay but if you get hungry the food is in the fringe if you want something to eat." She said

With that I went downstairs to go back to eating with Scott.

Kesha's POV.

With that I sat down on my bed waiting to see if my tears have stopped. But I heard a tap on my window to see it was Liam waiting for me to open it. As I did I sat on the floor where he sat next to me wondering what's wrong. Then I saw my hair change color it was now a rosey pink which happens when I'm changing to my half form.

"I'm sorry but I need to know what's wrong with you? I miss your smile and down to earth-self." He said to me while holding my hand.

"Well I'm just missing my mom she's been gone for about a week and have no clue to where she is yet. I'm still confused that my dad is crazy! But yet I'm still confused that I'm on the dead pool and worth 8 million dollars." I said with mixed emotions.

With that Liam comes over and just gave me a kiss that was so passionate that it made me feel a lot better. But I had just kept kissing him for at least for five minutes. With that he told me that Scott and I are going to pretend die and for me is to keep Scott tame.

"And also please don't die for real okay I'll be very upset with you." He said looking at my face with concern.

"I will not die okay as long I've got you I won't." I said hugging him.

After that he left and I had to get some rest because tomorrow will be a long one.


The next day / 3:50 pm at Scott's house with Kira, Kira's mom, Stiles, Liam , Scott and myself in his room.

Scott's POV.

With this me and Kesha are laying on my bed but the thing is that for her she needs to go in water to pretend die, for the reason of her skin is a conductor and can burn my bed is a no no.

"I hate this plan!" said Kesha with her head in her hands.

" I know but we need to find out who is the benefactor is?" I said with my eyes toward Kira.

"For this to work is that Kesha is going to be stab with a metal rod that Kira holds with one hand and the other on Scott's chest. With that she then electrocute the both them at the same time be connect in death." Said Kira's mom.

For me this is going to be a trip I won't forget, with that Kesha headed to the bathroom and laid down in water in the tub. Next is that Liam ......yes him had to stab her in the chest where her heart is but not to deep.

Kesha's POV.

With me in the tub I saw Liam holding the rod in his hands and with his quickest he stab me. I did feel it but not as much he then saw me lay down in the water of the tub holding my breath. With that the next two seconds I felt the pain of the century running through my veins. To that I blacked out not feeling anything anymore.

Third person's POV.

With that everyone in the room saw the motionless bodies and began to call the hospital. With that the ambulance came and took them to the hospital with everyone there even Kate. After that the doctors took them and try to revive them at that forth time they call it.

"The time of death is 19:05 pm can someone call Ms. McCall down here." Said the doctor.

Melissa's POV.

With that I walked inside I saw my son and my girlfriend's daughter dead bodies in front of me. That's when I had lost it I cried my eyes out and yell on the top of my lungs to asking what happen to them? For me this lasted for a while with one of the nurses holding me from falling on my face as I hit the floor.

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