Why did i keep having that dream? I sat up in bed and looked around at my little log cabin, it seemed pretty bare. There was a small fireplace, a bed, a half empty shelf. Then there was my most prized possession a small book case filled with books. Books were very rare then since most were destroyed in the blast twenty years earlier and more had been left to rot outside.
i needed to get to work, i had to go to town and trade the Goliath Bear pelt that day, I was running low on ammunition for my two pistols and my rifle. I had thought to make some breakfast before I go. I grabbed a skillet off its peg by the fireplace and get to work. Soon the harty smell of frying bacon filled the cabbin. after I finished with my breakfast, I went outside to groom the majestic animal i would be riding into town. And no it was not a horse. It was my pet kingwolf, Fang, even though she was as big as a horse, she was a wolf.
I put on my guns and headed out the door getting my specially made saddle and fitted onto Fang, then we're off.
When we finally got to town i was able to trade the pelt for one hundred rounds for my rifle and three hundred rounds for my pistols; along with two pounds of ham, a sack of flour, and two pounds of coffee. As i walked around i found a man who offered me a job, he told me that he would give me one hundred dollars for each bearlion pelt i brought him. I denied the job telling him it wasn't worth getting that close to those vicious creatures. They are a challenge even for me and not only in a pack.
I soon arrived home and put Fang in her lot beside the cabin. After cleaning and taking care of her, I turned my attention to the candy cats (small brightly colored feline like creatures) that i had caught on my way back home. I hung thier pelts on the wall of fangs lot and went inside, quickly took off my guns and was going to sleep.
The Nuclear Frontier
Adventurethe year is 2973 the world has been destroyed by nuclear attacks. Set back hundreds of years by the destruction it is set in a western era and with the radiation of the bombs interacting with the environment, a new plant was created. The plants dep...