Chapter 7

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       As the boy finally made it to the building, he became aware of a dull humming sound coming from inside.

        I will check it out. Said the wolf. You just stay here.

        "Ok." Said the boy

        As the wolf cautiosly stepped inside, the humming stopped,  and a low growling started.

        The boy ran inside to see what was going on, and as he stepped inside, he had his first encounter with the mutants.

        A dozen horrible, ugly rat like creatures is what he found.  When he saw them he let out a loud gasp, and this seemed to draw the rat creatures' attention for they turned to him and snarled.  "What are these things?!" Screamed the boy.

        Mutants, said the wolf, they were affected by the radiation, it changed them into these... monsters.

        "ok." said the boy all his fear dissapearing and being replaced by another emotion, determination.  He was determined to save his friend, he would be willing to die if necessary.

        One of the mutated rats suddenly let out a scream and lunged at the boy but before it got to him, the wolf was in fron of him and the rat struck it as all the other rats rushed forward.  The wolf fell and the rats swarmed it.

        Hearing the wolf's yelps of pain and the savage screams of the rats, the boys resolve filled him completely and he felt his mind quicken, his senses sharpen, his reflexes become keen, and his muscles expanding with strength.  He caught sight of an old revolver lying under a thick layer of dust at his feet and a box of shells lying on a shelf to his left.

        In one fluid motion, he grabbed the revolver and flipped open the cylinder, while with the other hand, he grabbed the box of shells and loaded six into the gun. as he snapped the cylinder back into place, he knew exacly what to do.

        Time seemed to slow as he looked down the sights and lined up two of the mutated rats, one behind the other. his finger pulled the trigger and a deafening boom, rag out around him but the boy paid it no heed.  Before the first two rats hit the ground, the boy was lining up his second shot. Boom.  two more down. Boom. Two more.  only six left the boy thought.  Boom, Boom, Boom. three of the other rats fell to the ground. Three left, the boy thought, and he pulled the trihher again.  Click. The last three rats were running toward him. Click.  He forgot to reload.  Click.  this is it, he thought, I am going to die.

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