What i saw behind Fang's lot was worse than any wild animal. It was a human, if it could even be called a human anymore. The mutated creature, called a stalker, has the basic shape of a human but has bigger hands and feet, with razor sharp claws coming out of the ends of its fingers and toes and leathery skin with thin fur all over it. Its teeth were also as sharp as razors and huge. this creature was called a stalker because even though it was big, it made close to no noise.
The creature stopped and sniffed the air, i stood as still as i could i didn't even move a muscle. I slowly raised my rifle and took aim. i aimed for its weak spot, a small place on the back of its head about the size of a quarter right at the base of its skull, and fired.
The crack of the rifle was loud in my ears. With my heart pounding, i watched as the creature slowly fell to the ground. i quickly drug the body as far as i could and buried it in the forest. these creatures are common here since i live in the Dead Lands, but every time i see one my heart starts racing.
There are essentially four areas that exist, they are circles around the great crater. The great crater is the area where the MOAB (mother of all bombs) hit, it was this bomb that caused most of the damage and affected the entire world. the area closest to the great crater is called the Dead Lands. That has a population of one, me, this is where the most dangerous of the mutations lurk. Then there is the Bad Lands, this is where the settlements and the forests are. Then there is the Waste Lands, ironically, where the biggest towns are located, this zone has no plant life and is mostly rock.
The reason I lived in the deadlands is because I've never been really good with people, being as i looked so different from them. I have eyes that glow blue because they capture light and help me see in the dark, and my skin was a tan color and i was really muscular. It didn't help that i had ears that came up to a dull point too. I was really a sight to behold.
sorry i havent updated in a little while but i will update here soon, i have been very busy with schoolwork, but to make up for it the next chapter will be very long.

The Nuclear Frontier
Adventurethe year is 2973 the world has been destroyed by nuclear attacks. Set back hundreds of years by the destruction it is set in a western era and with the radiation of the bombs interacting with the environment, a new plant was created. The plants dep...