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It's been a week. Regina still doesn't get along with Emma but is civil around her kids. She's led in bed studying. It's 12:00 at night and she can't sleep. Her door then knocked. Regina sat up confused.

"Yes" she says.

The door opened and Emma walked in. Regina looked even more confused.

"I can't sleep. Mind if I join" Emma asked. Regina raised an eyebrow at her. "Don't make me have a midnight drink alone" she says lifting a bottle of wine up.

"Fine" Regina sighed while putting her book on the bed side table.

Emma smirked and closed the door. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. She poured them both a glass of wine and gave it to Regina.

"Cheers" Emma says holding her glass up.

Regina rolled her eyes and clinked her glass with Emma's. They sipped the wine before looking up at each other.

"What" Regina asked.


"No what is it"

"Your smile is actually really hot. You should do it more often" Emma admits smiling.

"Comments like that are the reason I don't smile" Regina says with a frown.

"It's a compliment"

"Sounds like it. Hurry and drink because I'm studying" Regina says before drinking her drink.

"Fine. I'll go. Good night miss mills"

"Good night Miss swan" Regina says softly.

Emma stood up with her wine glass and walked to the door. She looked round at Regina with a soft smile.

"Ow I forgot to say. I found out that the mayor in storybrooke will be resigning in a few months and I was thinking maybe you'd want that job" she says with a soft smile.

"Seriously?" She says shocked. "I can't study for that in enough time"

"I can have someone come here and help you so you can. I grew up in storybrooke. It's a cute little town"

"You'd do that for me" Regina softly says.

"I'm not a monster Regina. I still hate you"

"I still hate you" Regina says not helping the smile on her face.

"Told you. That smile is hot"

Regina glared and put her middle finger up. Emma laughed and walked out. Regina smiled at the fact Emma was going to help her. She then remembered the threats they made each other in the dressing room. Emma threatened to destroy her and Regina threatened to make her beg for her. Regina can't figure Emma out. She can be the worst human in the world. The biggest child ever. Or the sweetest person. The personality Regina wants to see isn't the one she offend gets. The sweetest person.

Meanwhile Emma went down the hall and heard the tv on in Henry's room. She knocked on the door and waited.

"Get lost Maddie or James" Henry snapped.

Emma opened the door and smiled slightly at him.

"Just me" she says with a wave.

"Ow hi Emma. Sorry I thought you were the twins"

"I have lots of siblings but none are twins. Why are you still awake"

"Can't sleep. What about you" he asked.

"I was going to but could hear your tv was on. I was just wondering if your ok"

"Yeah. It's different being here. I know they say money doesn't buy happiness but I have to admit it's doing a good job" he says as they both chuckled.

"It is pretty good here. Your right though. Money doesn't buy happiness. I grew up poor"

"Like us poor or your kind of poor"

"You guys poor" Emma says laughing slightly. "My mum couldn't afford much in this world. She tried her hardest and we loved her for that but we had hardly anything"

"So you were poor and now you live like this" henry questioned.

"Yeah. I worked my ass off and this is what I got" Emma smiled.

"Can I ask you something? I know my mum would never answer this unless it was serious" henry shyly asks. Emma stepped into the room more and nods her head curiously. "Are you dating my mum"

"Why would you think that" Emma questioned confused.

"Well obviously I don't know if your into girls or not but you guys seem like you act as if you hate each other to hide the fact you have feelings for each other" he admits as he sat up.

"I can answer all those questions. I am full gay. I don't hate your mum because deep down I know she's a nice person. I'm not dating her. I don't have feelings for her and I doubt highly she does for me. She hates me" Emma says with a smile on her face and a chuckle.

"I don't believe her when she says that. I've seen mum smile when we're are all together or with you more than she has in the last few years. She's not happy with our life because she always feel bad that she can't support us. I don't blame her for that. I blame my dad" he says looking down.

Emma went over to the bed and sat down. Henry looked up at her.

"Your mum is a pretty incredible woman. We don't get along but I know if she opened up then she would be such a great person. I'm helping your mum get a better job so you won't live so poorly"


"Yeah. You deserve a good life. You all do" Emma says with a soft smile.

"Cheers Emma. Sorry if it was rude me asking about your relationship with mum"

"It's fine. I think your mum is too easy to tease"

"She so is. Its actually hilarious how easy it is" henry agreed.

"Well you better go to sleep. Tomorrow I'll have my guy drop you all to school" Emma says standing up.

It was half term week so they didn't have school. What they both didn't know was Regina was outside the door. She was smiling at the conversation she just heard. She quickly walked down the hall to James room and opened the door. She saw her son asleep. She kissed his head softly and left the room. As she walked out Emma bumped into her.


"Sshh. He's asleep" Regina says putting her hand over Emma's mouth. She closed the door and moved her hand. "If he wakes up then he will stay awake" she giggled.

"It's fine. I know how much you want to touch my lips" Emma says before blowing a kiss.

"Your such a child" Regina says sighing.

"You telling me it's a lie" Emma smirked as she stepped closer.

Regina looked at Emma's lips. She took a breath and moved away. She looked down and turned away.

"I'm don't date children like you" she says before walking away.

Emma rolled her eyes with a smirk and caught up with her. She got to Regina and grabbed her hips. Regina froze in her tracks. Emma leaned close so she was next to Regina's ear.

"How many time do I have to tell you? You'll learn to love me. One way or another beautiful" Emma smirked as she whispered into Regina's ear.

Regina pushed Emma's hands off and rolled her eyes at her. Emma smirked and went into her room. Laughing at the fact Regina is so easy to tease. The brunette huffed before walking to her room and entering.

"Stupid bimbo"

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