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A few hours later. Regina and Emma were cuddled up on the sofa talking. The front door then knocked.

"Who could that be" Regina sighed.

"I have an idea. Go answer and you'll know" Emma says with a laugh.

"Still sarcastic and annoying as usual" Regina says standing up.

Emma laughed as Regina left the room. She went to the door and opened it a little. She looked through and saw robin.


"What are you doing here" Regina asked shocked.

"To see you obviously. I came to apologise" he says pushing the door open more.

"Well I'm surprised you felt it was wise to show your face here after last night. We broke up and I'm not getting back together with you" Regina says annoyed.

"Come on Gina"

"My name is Regina. Only one person can call me Gina and she's sat in the lounge" Regina interrupts.

"Your back with Emma? That blonde one who's married"

"She isn't married anymore"

"Regina she hurt you. I remember you telling me how she hurt you so bad you never wanted to see her again"

"Yeah when it was like a few weeks after it happened. I'm over that. I can't hide the fact I love her can i" Regina snapped.

"I hope she hurts you again. This time so bad you can't physically love" he says angry.

"I hope someone buries you 6 feet underground and lets you rot down there. Get off my porch" Regina slammed the door shut. Emma was stood in the lounge doorway. "Why are you always stood there" she laughed.

"I came to listen. I'm nosy. I'm sorry I hurt you that much" Emma softly says.

"I know. I forgive you"


"Because your human. If a good person does something bad it doesn't make them bad. It just makes them human" Regina says smiling softly.

Emma walked over to Regina and pulled her into an instant kiss. The brunette held herself close and didn't want to let go ever. She just kept herself up against Emma. Eventually they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you. I love how you bring out the best in everyone"

"Are you going back to New York" Regina asked softly.

"Yeah I will be. I have to. The big grand opening of the night club I've been working on. I'll come see you after though" Emma replied.

"How? That will be very late and the next day you'll be hungover. Emma how is this going to work"

"I don't know. I honestly can't figure out what is gonna happen between us but all I know is I love you"

"Don't give me the sob story" Regina laughed. This made Emma laugh but shake her head as well. "But seriously Emma how are we going to manage? How can I tell that if we do long distance you won't cheat on me"

Emma's smile fell of her face. She stepped back and looked at Regina with hurt. Her mouth open slightly and her eyebrows in a half frown.

"You think I'd do that to you"

"How can I know? You cheated on your wife who you were married to for 5 years. We were only together 3 month" Regina admits.

"I cheated on her with you. That was the first time I'd ever cheated. I wouldn't cheat on someone then be with that person just to cheat on them now would I" Emma replied a little annoyed.

"How can I trust you wont? You were in love with Olivia and you still cheated on her" Regina says annoyed.

"You know what? Fuck you regina. I thought you were the same girl I always knew. Thanks for showing me that now" Emma says as tears were filling her eyes.

She turned around and walked to the front door. Regina watched as Emma slammed the door shut. She looked shocked and let out a breath she didn't know she had. What she said was true. She didn't know if she could trust Emma. That woman had broken her heart once. Regina went to the kitchen and sat at the island. James walked in and saw her with her head in her hands.

"Hey mum. Where's Emma" he asked.

"On her way back to New York" she sighed.

"What? Why"

"I messed everything up. I don't feel like I can trust her like I use to since she hurt me. I messed everything up by being a coward" she admits.

James put his arm around his mum and hugged her. Regina rests her head on him and looked down. He rubbed her shoulder and kissed her head.

"It's ok mum. Just go after her"

"I can't. I have a town to run"

"Actually your not working right now or tomorrow. We'll be fine here with ruby as our babysitter" he says pulling away.

"Are you just saying that because you think ruby is hot" Regina asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes and no. I'm saying it so you can go get Emma back. I know your happy with her mum. Also yeah ruby is hot" James sad with a shrug at the end.

Regina stood up and kissed his head. She hugged her son and held him close. She may not show it as often as she should but Regina loved her children more than she thought a human could possibly love.

"I love you. I love all three of you. As long as I have you I'm happy and I don't need someone. I'm sorry I brought robin back into this house. He should have never been allowed" Regina says looking at him upset.

"At least he's gone. Mum we know your happy with us but we also know your that little bit happier with Emma"

"I know. I messed up this time though. She's not coming back"

That's the moment Regina knew she needed to change. Emma had made her a different person. Someone she didn't like. Before Emma came to New York Regina was happy with her kids. She cared about them and didn't need a relationship in her life. Now she's a mess. She hates who she is and is starting to blame not only herself but Emma.

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