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Much later that night. It's 9 o'clock and Regina is out on a date with robin. She said Emma can stay the night instead of trying to get a room. Emma was in the lounge watching tv.

"God your such a useless waste of time" Regina shouts walking through the front door.

This got Emma's attention. She paused the tv and looked towards the door concerned.

"Me? Have you seen yourself" robin snapped.

"You know what? Get out. Get out of my house. I don't want to talk to you. I can't even look at your face right now" Regina snapped angry.

Emma stood in the doorway as Regina started pushing him out the door. He turned around and slapped her. Regina looked shocked and put her hand over her cheek. She frowned hard and punched him in the nose.

"Ow shit" he says holding his face.

"Don't ever lay your hands on me again. Now get out" she slammed the door shut. The anger in her face was showing like a red sock in a pile of white clothes. Regina turned around and saw Emma stood there. "Emma? I didn't see you there" she says startled.

"Sorry. Had that happened before"

"No. I should be getting to bed"

"Do you want to talk about it" Emma asked.

Regina stopped in her tracks. She looked round at Emma upset. Tears started to form and she walked over to Emma. She hugged her and started crying softly.

"Why am I so stupid" she asked sobbing.

"Your not. You stood up for yourself"

"I'm still stupid. I let the best thing just slip away from me because I'm selfish"

"Regina I don't understand" Emma says confused.

"You. I let you leave because I was to selfish and hurt to realise I didn't want to" Regina says now pulling away.

"Regina it's ok. Calm down. Is that alcoholic your breath" Emma asked.

"Maybe. Does my breath stink"

"Not really but how much have you drunk"

"Too much. I need to lie down" Regina says holding onto Emma's shoulder.

"I'll take you upstairs" Emma says walking with Regina.

She took her to her room and Regina took her dress of. She climbed into bed with just her bra and thong. Emma went over and kissed her head softly.

"We can talk tomorrow" Emma says softly.

"In the morning. Remind me I told you I love you"

"Alright I will now get to sleep"

Emma stood up and turned the bed side table light off. She turned back to face Regina and she was asleep. Snoring. Emma giggled and walked out the room. She leaned against the door and sighed. Emma went downstairs and watched tv until she fell asleep.

The next morning. Regina was in the kitchen making a smoothie. The sound work Emma up. She went in and saw Regina in pjs now.

"How the fuck are you not dying" Emma asked confused.

"I don't really get hangovers anymore. Do you want one"

"Yeah sure" Emma shrugged while sitting at the island.

"I'm sorry about how I was yesterday. I don't remember but I'm apologising because I probably did something wrong"

"Well you pinned me against the wall and kissed me. When I tried pulling away you didn't like it" Emma says looking down.

Regina looked shocked. Her mouth dropped and her eyes doubled in size.

"Ow my god. I'm so sorry. Did I" She says panicking.

"Na just kidding" Emma laughed.

"Your not funny"

"You just told me to remind you that you told me you still love me" Emma says still giggling.

Regina went bright red and looked down at her smoothie maker. She pushed it on and it was very loud.

"Well I do but I can't admit that" Regina says since she thought Emma couldn't hear.

She turned it off and took the lid off.

"You just did" Emma smirked.

"What" Regina says snapping her head up. "How did you hear that"

"I didn't. I can lip read" Emma smirked.

"I'm sorry" Regina says looking down.

She poured the smoothie into two cups. Emma stood up and walked around near her.

"Do you really still love me" Emma softly asked.

Regina looked up at her. Emma stepped closer and waited. The brunette let out a breath she didn't know she had.

"Yeah... I love you" Regina says smiling.

"I love you too. Will you give me a second chance"

Regina grabbed Emma's top and pulled her into her. As the blondes body hit Regina's there lips crashed. Emma held her close and deepened the kiss. She never wanted this moment to end. Regina had hold of Emma's top still and gripped it tight.

"Mum?!" Henry says from the doorway.

Both girls jumped and pulled away. In the doorway was 3 of Regina's children.

"Shit" she says.

"Shit" Emma adds.

"Omg" Maddie excitedly says.

"Did you break up with robin" James asked.

"I did yesterday yes"

"And now your with Emma" Maddie says just as excited.

"Maybe. I don't know. We haven't spoken about this yet" Regina sighed softly.

"Then do it now. Mum do you still love Emma" Henry eagerly asked.

"Yeah. I really do" she smiled.

"And Emma do you still love mum" James says quickly.

"More than anyone else" Emma replied looking into Regina's eyes.

"Here you go" Maddie says.

Regina smiled and moved some of Emma's hair behind her ear. She cupped her cheek and smiled at her.

"I love you. Will you be my girlfriend" she asked.

All the kids stood really excited. They have been dying for these two to get back together. Emma smiled brightly and nodded.

"Yeah. I love you more" Emma smiled.

This caused the biggest smile on Regina's face. She leaned in and kissed the blonde girl. All the kids were happy there finally together. The girls pulled away and smiled at each other.

"How will we make this work" Regina asked.

"I'll move down here with you. If that's ok with you"

"Best. Hopefully with my help you won't be depressed anymore"

"I can feel you cheering me up"

The kids went around the island and hugged them. The girls hugged them back.

"I'm so happy your not with robin anymore" henry says smiling.

"Me too" Regina smiled.

"Don't worry henry. She gave him a good punch in the nose to leave him with" Emma laughed.

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