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Another month passed. Regina has been avoiding Emma since they shared a bed. She refuses to let her feelings get ahead of her. Today Regina got home from work early. She walked into Emma's house and headed to the kitchen. She hadn't eaten all day and was starving.

"Hola Fernando" Regina says walking in.

"Hola Regina" Emma says sat at the island.

"Ow Hey. What are you doing here" she asked confused.

"Not working. There's not need for me to be there. I went down and checked how it's looking then came back" Emma says smiling.

"Ow. Ok. I was just going to get lunch then study" Regina says walking to the island.

"Come on. You study loads. Why not come out for the day with me? I'll treat you for lunch" Emma suggests standing up.

"No thanks. I should study" Regina says still avoiding Emma.

The blonde walked over to her and leaned against the counter side. She smiled at Regina and put her hand next to the brunettes.

"Please. Come on. It will be fun" she says smiling.

"Fine. Where do you want to go"

"It's a surprise" Emma says smiling brightly. She grabbed Regina's hand and dragged her out the room. "Adiós Fernando"

"Adiós" he replied smiling.

The girls left the house. Emma decided to drive instead of taking her limo. She doesn't like taking it since it makes her feel like a rich snob. Emma started driving a small diner in a very small area. Regina had never heard of this place and never heard of the diner.

"Where are we" she asked.

"My favourite place in New York. I'm come here lots. When I have no clubs to sort out or manage I take a few days off and come stay in this beautiful state. I always come here" Emma replied smiling at the diner she loves.

She got out and Regina copied. They walked in and saw it was just as small as it seemed. They sat down and a waiter gave them a menu each. It was a clean place and vintage.

"Can I start you off with some drinks" a waitress asked walking to them. "You? Your back" she says looking at Emma.

"Ow Hi. You still work here" Emma says a little shocked.

"Yeah. Brothers business. It's been awhile" she says biting her lip.

Regina noticed the girl was flirting with Emma. She looked to the blonde and saw she wasn't enjoying it or wanting it. Emma just looked awkward.

"Excuse me? Are you going to take our order or just keep flirting with her" Regina says getting the girls attention.

"Sorry. What can I get you" she says quickly.

Emma looked over and smiled slightly. Regina raised her eyebrows twice at Emma before looking back at the waitress.

"I'll have orange juice please and em" Regina looked at Emma in front of her.

"Hot coco please" Emma asked.

"Be right out. So how long you back in town Emma" the girl asked in a flirty voice.

Regina couldn't help fell jealous a little. She coughed to get the girls attention. The waitress quickly left with Regina glaring at her.

"I take it she doesn't know the word no" Regina laughed before looking at the menu.

"She's been flirting with me and trying to get with me for years now. Also... If I didn't know any better miss mills I'd say you were jealous" Emma smirked.

"Don't be stupid. Who was she anyway"

"Ellie. She's really flirty. I've seen her with so many people who come here" Emma laughed.

"She seems it" Regina agreed.

"Still seems like your jealous" Emma smirked while looking at her menu.

"Why do you think I would be jealous of her" Regina chuckled.

Emma stood up and moved to sit next to Regina. She cupped her cheek and leaned close. Regina's breathing hitched and she froze.

"Because of the way your acting right now" Emma whispered.

Regina breathed out and looked at Emma's lips. She slowly started to move forward not thinking anymore. They then heard a cough to get there attention. The waitress was back with there drinks.

"Here you go" she says putting them down.

Regina moved away and Emma stood back up. She sat back down on her side and Regina moved opposite her. The girl took there order before leaving. Emma and regina just made small talk while waiting. Most of the time there were silent when eating.

"Did you enjoy it" Emma asked.

"It's was lovely thank you. I can see why you come here lots" Regina smiled.

"Your welcome. Shall we go" Emma asked.

The waitress came over and Emma payed her. The girls left and went to Emma's car. They got in quickly since it had started raining. Emma was about to start driving when Regina put her hand on Emma's leg. The blonde stopped and looked at her. Regina instantly kissed Emma not thinking about consequences. She took her seat belt off the same time as Emma to move closer. Regina pulled away quickly and looked shocked.

"What am I doing" she says moving away quickly. Emma looked confused but Regina looked down shocked at herself. "Why did I do that" she asked.


"I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry" Regina quickly said.

"Don't be. It's fine. We shouldn't have done that"

"What the fuck is wrong with me? I can't have feelings for you. Please don't tell the kids I did that" Regina was practically begging her now.

"I won't don't worry" Emma says hiding her disappointment. She then realised she shouldn't be. She wasn't allowed to kiss Regina and she knew why. "Let's not ever speak of this again"

"Thank you. I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what came over me" Regina says looking out the front window.

She put her seatbelt back on and looked out the window next to her. Emma did the same. Regina stayed quiet the whole journey. She felt so ashamed of herself and so hurt. That kiss meant something to Regina. Something she never thought she would be able to say out loud. Emma acted like she didn't care but she did. She knew she did. She had been waiting for Regina to make that move and then she finds out it was a mistake. Emma knew it was a good thing it was a mistake but for some reason couldn't get rid of the thought it was bad.

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