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"EMMA" Regina shouts.

The blonde looked round and saw Regina. She looked worried at the girl in front of her before turning back around. She felt a bullet rip through her. Regina looked shocked but wasn't allowed the move. She knew the gun was facing her even though she wasn't looking at it. She was shaking and wanted to run to Emma's side.

7:38 that day

Regina woke up and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made herself breakfast knowing full well her kids aren't up. It's been a month since she saw Emma last. She felt terrible the whole time. She finally decided to turn her life around and be the woman she once was but with Emma in her life. Regina is back to the loving mother she once was and punched robin in the face for hurting her kids. She ate and then got dressed. Maddie walked into the room as Regina slipped her top on.

"Hey mum. I was wondering if I could come to New York with you" she awkwardly asked.

"What? No. I'm going to get Emma back. I don't need a 14 year old girl stood there with me sweetie" Regina replied with a chuckle.

"I want to see Lenny. Please mum" she begged.

"Fine. I'll drop you at his house and pick you up after I'm done with Emma" Regina sighed.

"Thank you" Maddie says hugging her.

Regina smiled and kissed her head. The young girl left the room to get dressed. Regina done her makeup and fixed her hair. She slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag. Now ready the woman exits her room.

"Hey mum. You ready to go" James asked walking passed.

"I am. I just hope this works" she sighed.

"You'll be fine" he replied before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you sweet heart. Go tell your sister to hurry up because we need to go"

James walked away and Regina went downstairs. A tired henry was sat at the island eating breakfast.

"Morning" he says half asleep.

"Morning sleep head. Why don't you go back to bed for another hour"

"I was hungry"

Regina laughed and went to the fridge. She took out a bottle of water and slipped it into her bag. Maddie came down with tight jeans on and a baggy jumper. Regina curiously looked at her knowing she's hiding something.

"What top you wear" she asked curiously.

"Just a top" Maddie shrugged.

"Show me" Regina replied. Maddie sighed and lifted the jumper up. It revealed a short and tight crop top that highlights her boobs. "Nope. Go change"

"What? No" she says surprised.

"I wasn't asking. Go"

"What about you? Your not exactly covering up. Your cleavage is out"

"I'm wearing skinny jeans and a black vest top. I look fine and I'm 36 years old. Now go change or your not coming" Regina replied in her mum voice. Maddie sighed loudly before going back upstairs. "Your sister honestly"

"That's why I'm the favourite child isn't it" henry says smirking.

"Actually I am since I'm the best" James cuts in as he walks through the door.

"I don't have favourite... I don't like any of you" Regina laughed making the boys pout. "I'm kidding of course. I love you all the same"

Maddie shortly came down and they left. The got a flight to New York. Regina brought Maddie a ticket there. They arrived in New York and Regina drove the rental car to Lenny's house. She dropped Maddie off before going to Emma's mansion. The man at the gate was asleep.

"Oi" Regina shouts to get his attention.

"Sorry what"

"Can I go in? It's me Regina"

"Ow yes. Sure" he smiled before pushing the button.

Regina drove up to the house. The man then remembered something but shrugged it off. Regina knocked on the front door and waited. It opened and Danny was stood there.

"Regina" he says confused.

"Hey. Is Emma there" she asked awkwardly.

"No. I don't know where she is. I haven't seen her all day"

"Do you know anywhere she could possibly be"

"I got no clue. If you wanted somewhere to go to get happy again I guess. She disappears everyday" he replied softly.

Regina knew where Emma was. She smiled at Danny but he looked confused.

"I know where she is" she replied before running to the car.

Regina started driving quickly. She went down the street and tried her hardest to remember the way. She pulled up outside the small diner Emma brought her to. She went in and saw people sat there. The only person not was Emma. She could have sworn a car out side was one of Emma's. The blonde then walked out of the toilet and left the diner. The bell rings causing Regina's head to turn. She saw Emma leaving. She ran outside to catch her.

"Emma" she quickly says.

The blonde froze. She slowly turned around and saw Regina. Her mouth dropped and a smiled formed.

"You came back for me"

Regina smiled and walked down the few steps. She went over to Emma and they held each other's shoulders.

"I didn't mean what I said last month. I was just worried you'd pick someone younger and more beautiful than me and better personality" Regina says looking deep into her eyes.

"If you can find me anyone in the world that is like that I'll pay you a hundred grand. I love you"

"I love you too"

They were both smiling brightly. Regina leaned forward and planted her lips against Emma's. They kept each other close. As they slowly pulled away there eyes met.

"Turn around slowly" a voice behind them said. Emma looked over her shoulder. She saw someone in a black mask and a gun pointing at them. "Put your hands in the air and stand next to each other" the voice said.

Regina looked scared but Emma knew who it was. She recognised the bad impression of a man with a deep voice.

"You can take the mask of now Killian" Emma says annoyed.

The boy sighed and ripped the black mask of his face. He glared at Emma and took in a deep breath.

"Move forward" Killian ordered Emma.

The blonde moved towards her ex best friend as the boy moved backwards. They stood opposite each other on the street. Regina went to the path but knew she couldn't get any closer.

"What do you want"

"How dare you name my baby after the woman you cheated on Olivia with" he asked angry.

"Me? How dare you call yourself a best friend when you slept with my wife" Emma replied annoyed.

"Ow my god" Regina whispered a little too loud.

"YOU CAN SHUT UP IN ALL" he shouts to Regina who instantly froze. He looked back at Emma angry. "Any last words bitch"

"Olivia cheats on everyone. Be careful" Emma smirked.

"EMMA" Regina shouts.

The blonde looked round and saw Regina. She looked worried at the girl in front of her before turning back around. She felt a bullet rip through her. Regina looked shocked but wasn't allowed the move. She knew the gun was facing her even though she wasn't looking at it. She was shaking and wanted to run to Emma's side.

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