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I'm back!

Next day. Regina and Emma went to the hospital to speak to the doctor. There sat in the waiting room nervous.

"Em" Regina says holding her wife's hand.

"Yeah" Emma replied looking over.

"I love you. Thank you for wanting to risk your life for me" she softly says as she looks up to Emma.

The blond leaned in and kissed her wife softly. As they slowly pulled away they smiled at each other. Emma then noticed someone across the room looking at them disgusted. She turned to the woman and stood up annoyed.

"You got a problem" she asked sounding angry.

"Yeah. That's disgusting. There's children around" she says as she looked to them like they are shit on her shoe.

"What's disgusting? The kiss or the fact we're both woman"

"The fact your both woman" the woman replied standing up.

Emma walked around the chairs and headed towards her. Regina jumped up and grabbed Emma's hand.

"Emma" she says quickly.

"Why because we're both woman it's disgusting huh" Emma asked annoyed.

"Because it's wrong. Woman are supposed to be with men not other woman" she huffed.

"Well tough luck you homophobic piece of shit" Emma growled angry.

"It's my opinion. What you gonna do about it"

"I don't care if it's your opinion. You can think like that all you want but you don't have to go around spreading your hate" Emma was getting even more angry.

"Emma chill" Regina says rubbing her arm to calm her down.

"Why? How are people going to realise that the world should have never accepted people like you" she says full of disgust.

Emma moved her arm out of Regina's grip and closer to the woman. Now furious at what she said.

"That's where your wrong. People like you shouldn't be accepted in this world"

"What straight people? News flash. Us straight people repopulate the world. All you people do is sit around doing nothing" she laughed.

"I'll have you know I'm the owner of all the Swan night clubs across the country that I'm sure you've been in and enjoyed. My wife is the mayor of storybrooke so I wouldn't fuck with her. She is shit scary when she's angry. Also I didn't mean straight people shouldn't be accepted. I meant homophobic bitches like you shouldn't be accepted in this world. It's 2018 for god sake. Get over the fact that not everything in this world is about you and your thoughts. This world needs to just chill out and accept shit. Look. Love is love and that's all that matters" Emma says calming down a bit.

Everyone in the room who was watching them all started clapping at Emma's speech. Regina smiled and hugged her. The woman rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Please. Love is love? Give it a rest. It may be 2018 but you are still a disgrace to the world. You don't help it you just make it more miserable"

"Really? Some of the most famous people in the world are lgbt. Angelina Jolie. Neil Patric. Lady Gaga. Ellen DeGeneres. Cameron Diaz. Drew Barrymore. Jim Parson. They are all famous people you would have heard of or seen. So why is it you can accept them when watching on tv but you can't accept me and my wife sat here waiting to find out if i can save her life huh" Emma asked softly with a face full of passion about her topic.

"I... I Umm..." the girl mumbled.

"I rest my case" Emma cuts off with a slight smile.

Everyone started clapping again as Emma went and sat back down with Regina.

"That was so good sweetie. I love you" Regina says hugging Emma with a squeeze.

"I love you too" Emma smiled.

"By the way. Who is Drew Barrymore"

"She's the actress in never been kissed and blended y'know"

"Ow yeah. I never knew she was" Regina giggled.

"Regina Mills Swan" the doctor called.

The girls stood up and linked hands before starting to walk. Emma looked over her shoulder and waved at the woman she was once arguing with. She just glared back at her and looked down.

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