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Regina was driving home the next day. She was thinking about her childhood. She hasn't thought about it in so long. All that came to mind when people mentioned her parents was the bad memories of them. If she had never gotten pregnant then she would be close with them. Before she knew it Regina was back in storybrooke. She drove to her house and parked the car outside. She's still thinking about everything. Regina unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Hello" Regina called out.

Emma came into her view with a smile on her face. She walked over and hugged Regina tight.

"I missed you baby" Emma softly says. Regina moved on her top toes and hugged her tighter. Her eyes teared up again and she sniffled a little. "What's wrong"

Regina pulled away and wiped away a few tears that had left her eyes. Emma cupped her cheek and looked down at her softly.

"My mum will die. For years I haven't cared where they were or what had happened to them and now I'm crying at the thought of loosing mum and my dad being a broken man" Regina says looking into her girlfriends eyes.

"It's human to cry at the fact your mum will die. I love you and I'm here for you"

"I love you more. Dad is going to phone me when she is close to the end and I'll go back down there. Fuck this was harder than I thought"

"It's ok. The kids are upstairs" Emma says softly.

Regina leaned up and kissed her girlfriend softly. They both deepened it slowly and made it more passionate. The girls pulled away as slowly as they could with there eyes still closed. They opened them and stared at each other.

"I'm going to see the kids. I love you babe" Regina says before pecking Emma's lips.

She walked up the stairs and to her daughters room. She said hi to her children before they all went downstairs. They cuddled up together on the sofa and Regina fell asleep.

"Emma" James says.

"Yeah kid"

"What happens when people get dementia" he asked.

"They slowly start to forget little things and eventually the big things. Once they forget everything they die" Emma says softly to them.

"Is that what's going to happen to our Nan" Maddie asked.

"Eventually yes. That's why your mum is so upset. Her mum will die sooner than she thought" Emma replied.

Regina woke up threw there conversation but they didn't see. She didn't move since she wanted to hear what they were saying.

"Is mum and Nan going to be ok" henry asked.

"Your Nan is ok. The thing with dementia is the person who has it doesn't get hurt or anything like that. It's the family that are effected the most. It will be hard for your mum so just be careful with her" Emma replied.

"We've never met our grandparents before. Mum hasn't seen them in years and hasn't spoken about them. Why is she so upset" Maddie asked.

Regina decidedly was time for her to speak. She sat up and they all looked at her.

"Because she's still my mum. No matter how much she hurt me I will always love her and forgive her" Regina says looking at them all.

Emma held her hand and squeezed it gently. Regina kissed her softly. She put her arm around James next to her and rests her head on Emma.

"Are you alright" he asked.

"I will be. They said it can take awhile for her to die and she's not in pain so it's not that bad at the moment. She still remembers me and she remembers you 3" Regina replied.

"We met them" henry questioned.

"When you were babies yes. When I told her about you guys she remembered me with a toddler and 2 babies"

"Did you tell her about Emma" Maddie asked.

"Of course. She was so happy I found someone better than robin. Both my parents were happy that I have a family now" Regina says smiling softly.

Emma held her close and kissed her head. They all cuddled up together. Regina hasn't slept properly for the whole week. She only slept when she was with her mum and that wasn't very long. She fell asleep in Emma's arms again with her children around her. Within an hour all of them were asleep except Maddie. She saw Regina's phone get a message. She saw it said robin so she looked at it.

Robin: I'm coming for you and I'll destroy your children if you don't do what I told you to do. This isn't over. You should have never took me up in that second chance.

Maddie looked shocked at the phone. She didn't know mums password to look at the rest to find out what's going on. She didn't know what to do.

"Mum" she whispered while gently shaking Regina. The woman woke up and looked at her daughter confused. "Look at your phone"

Regina sat forward and looked at the phone. She read the message. Her eyes doubled in size and she sat up quickly. She looked shocked and then at her daughter.

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