Chapter 4

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"Let her go!"

Jason pushed you behind him, "Don't freak out. In fact, it'd be best if you close your eyes."

You covered your eyes with your hands, "Don't look. Don't freak out." You peeked, "Beast Boy?"

A small green mouse sat in front of you, "Shh!" he whispered, "Red dude's distracted. Let's get you out of here!"

You picked him up in your hands, "No."


"No Beast Boy. You don't understand I have to stay here, Ja-"

Beast Boy turned into an elephant and picked you up, "Sorry. Not an option."

You panicked; you couldn't leave Jason again, "Jason! Help!"

Jason kicked Tim to the ground, "(y/n)! No!"

Tim yelled, "Beast Boy run!"

Beast Boy charged at the door, "Hold on!"

And then the world dissolved into darkness.

You opened your eyes and looked around, "Hello! Jason?" your voice echoed around the darkness, making you let out a small scream. Suddenly carnival music floated around the air, sending goose bumps down your arms.

You looked around slowly, and suddenly voice rang out eerily, "Oh little girl, I know you're terribly frightened, but tell me," a face appeared so suddenly that you let out a loud shriek, it smiled slowly and raised an eyebrow, "Why so SERIOUS?"

You backed away slowly, but he kept getting closer, blood red lips parting to reveal yellow teeth pulled into a wide smile. You screamed and ran, not stopping to look behind. Suddenly things started screeching and flying past your ears. You realized what they were, "Bats." All of a sudden you bumped into someone. You looked up, "Jason!"

He smiled at you, "Hey, Picture," You hugged him, "Where were you? Where are we?"

He laughed, "Look around, we're in the cave." You gasped as the familiar walls of the cave appeared around you. You realized that Jason was doing something on the computer.

"Oh no." you realized what he was doing, "Jason is that Bruce's-"

"Credit card? Yeah."

You felt sick. This was too familiar, "Jason, you can't."

He turned off the computer, "My flight is booked. I'm going to find my mom."

You heard eerie laughter floating towards you. You grabbed Jason's arm, "Jason, we have to-"

Jason turned around, cackling evilly. You backed away, "No!" He pulled off a mask to reveal smiling yellow teeth and pale white face. He stepped aside to reveal a body lying motionless on the floor, blood running from his head.

"Jason No!" You ran towards him, but he only got further away. You reached out your hand, but too late. An explosion lit up the darkness and debris fell all over the place.

You ran over to Jason's lifeless body and lifted him up, "No, no, no, no."


You looked up and saw Batman standing above you, "Batman. Jason..."

He narrowed his eyes, "You did this. I should have known that you couldn't control your powers for long."

Because of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now