Chapter 7

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Beast Boy lounged in the back seat, "Are we almost there?"

Nightwing beeped, "No, this traffic is atrocious!" He rolled down the windows, "Hey Buddy! Stop texting and move your butt!!" he yelled.

Babs shook her head, "Yelling will get us nowhere."

Tim groaned, "We should have taken the Bat Jet."

Beast Boy turned into a tiny rodent, "Hey what animal am I?" he smiled. Everyone else glared at him.

"Fine then." He shifted back and dug around the cushions. He pulled out a bag of half eaten chicken whizzies, "Gasp! Tim! You said that you didn't eat these!"

Tim grabbed them, "Look, Garfield, just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean that I can't indulge in my favorite snack food. I'm not even sure that they're made of real chicken." He popped one into his mouth.

"Tim! I've been a chicken before. In a way, it's like you're eating me!" Garfield tried to wrestle the bag away from him.

Tim held it away from Garfield's hands, "Dude! You are not a real chicken! And that's just gross." He dumped the bag's contents into his mouth.

Beast Boy gagged, "I think I'm gonna hurl!"

Nightwing slammed on the breaks and pulled over, "Not in the car!" he reached back and unlocked the door, "Out!"

Beast Boy staggered towards the door, clutching his stomach, "Oh boy." He barfed on the car floor, five inches away from the door, "Why-why does it taste like chicken?" he groaned.

Tim held his nose, "Ew! Dude, it smells like chicken! What were you eating?"

Beast Boy turned a pale green, "I think I might have swallowed one of the-Chicken...Whizzies. Uggh." He rushed out of the car and barfed all over the clean, non-chicken whizzie smelling grass.

Nightwing groaned, "You were almost there! Almost! Do you know how long it's going to take to clean this up?" he sighed, "Unless you can find something to clean this up with, you and Tim are going to be stuck in the back with the vomit monster."

Tim clutched his stomach, "Ew."

Beast Boy wiped his mouth, "Oh come on, of all the things you guys carry around you don't have paper towels?"

Tim scooted away from the vomit, "We never thought that a chicken boy would barf all over the car!" He reached around the seat, "Here I found something."

Nightwing picked it up, "Wait..."

Tim looked sick, "No. Clean it up...please"

Nightwing wrenched him out of the car, "Go puke someplace else. Batgirl, look at this." He held up the piece of paper that Tim had pulled from the back seat.

On it were ten dots surrounded by a garland of leaves.

Batgirl looked it over, "What about it?"

"I know this symbol." Nightwing said, "It was an old coffee shop that we used to take (y/n) to"

Tim looked up, suddenly feeling much better, "So you think..."

Nightwing nodded.

Batgirl looked between both of them, "We have to go."

Beast Boy clutched his knees and looked up, "What? Where?"

You screamed and jerked foreword, "Jason!" you were sweating and tears rolled down your cheeks, "Jason..." you looked around the room.

"Are you okay?" Jason was standing by you, "You look awful"

You looked up at Jason a started to sob, "I-"

Jason pulled you into a hug, "Shh, It's okay little sis." He looked into your eyes, "You had another vision."

You nodded and sniffed, "It was awful."

Jason stood up, "Don't worry, I found someone to help." He walked over to the door.

You stopped crying and looked up at the door. Somebody was there. Somebody, "Who?"

Because of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now