Chapter 5

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Tim woke up to a stinging pain, and Beast Boy's worried face, "Oh no." He groaned, "Are they gone?"

Beast Boy sighed, "Yup."

Tim groaned, "Can you track them?"

Beast Boy shook his head, "I can't find their scent." He sighed and held up a small disk, "And they ditched the tracker."

Tim sighed, "I think we should call Batman."

They heard the screech of tires coming towards them. The Batmobile drove towards them, and a voice came through their coms, "Need a lift?"

Tim opened the door, "Batman...." He looked around the empty car, "is not in here."

"No, I'm not. But I am driving the car. Sorry I can't be there, Dick and I are trying to figure out who this masked man is. If we find him, we find your sister."

"Right, cause Tim's the only one here." Beast Boy grumbled.

Tim got into the car and put Beast Boy in the passenger seat, "Garfield, Don't. Touch. Anything."

They took off in the car to try and find you.

Jason waited outside of the lady's room. He had supplied you with a hoodie and some faded old jogging pants, you two couldn't afford to be seen. Jason was impatient. Your pain was growing every minute.

You walked out and grabbed some sunglasses off of a shelf, "This must be what it's like to have a hangover." You squeezed your eyes shut, "Everything hurts."

Jason crouched down until he was even with your face, "I know that feeling, and not just because I drink."

You managed a smile before Jason hustled you out the door. You looked around cautiously. Nobody was in sight. You staggered down the stairs, nearly tripping as a sharp pain exploded through your mind. You let out a cry of pain, "Jason we have to hurry."

But he didn't answer. You turned around; "Jason?" But he wasn't there. You whirled your head around, "Jason!"
Suddenly a vision flashed through your mind. You saw Jason walking down this same street, towards his old neighborhood. Yet somehow he didn't seem to notice where he was headed. It was a scene that you felt like you had seen before, like a scene from a comic book or a movie, but there was something about it that wasn't right. It was like there was a missing part. Like a certain part that had been skipped or left out. It felt confusing and all at once your subconscious took over, and you forgot that it was only a vision. And yet you knew that you couldn't let him go. "Jason, wait!" you yelled

He turned around and smiled, "Hi!" he waved you over. You rushed down the stairs, "Jason we have to go back!"

He laughed and held out his arms for a hug, only to gasp in pain as a thin knife ran through his body. Jason's face was a mask of pain; blood trickled from wound, staining the ground at his feet.

You felt a sharp pain, like your own heart had been stabbed "JASON!!" you cried, your voice thick with grief. You stumbled, tears obscuring your vision. You fell to the ground and blanked out.

When you woke up, you were in the back seat of a car, "Jason!" you gasped out, "Something's missing! Something happened."

A hand squeezed yours, "Little Picture, calm down. What's missing?" the voice soothed you and you cried with relief, "Jason. You're okay."

He linked his fingers with yours, "Yes, yes I am. Why? What did you see?" You sighed and told him about what you had seen, "It all seemed so real. It was awful, like I didn't even know it wasn't real"

Jason glanced at you, "You forgot it was a dream?"

You let out a sob, "It was terrible."

Jason drove faster, "This is bad. Your subconscious is starting to take over. If we don't get your powers drained ASAP, you'll-" he didn't finish, but he didn't have to.

Die: the word lingered in your mind, Death. For a second your mind flashed back to the strange vision. It was like you could almost piece it together, but before you could, your exhaustion took over, and you fell asleep.

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