Chapter 1

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            As a little girl your imagination had been very strong, as you got older it had gotten more real. You could think of something, and it would appear-like an illusion. You had an amazing life and you were great, until your parents died in a fire when you were nine. After that, your powers started getting out of hand. You were pushed away by everyone. People hated you and hurt you. You were alone and helpless, until Bruce Wayne took you in and taught you how to control your powers and see them as gifts.

You had never been on the Bat's team, but you had always considered them your family. You hadn't ever done the superhero thing. And you didn't have any friends, outside of Tim, Dick, Barbara, and-well-Jason, until he-passed away.

You had taken that pretty hard. He was the only one who supported you to go further with your powers, the only one who understood what it was like to be hurt and hated. He was always ready to listen to you-and when you heard how he died, how the Joker had hurt him, you couldn't bear the thought that he had been hurt, that he had hurt more than you could ever know. And that the maniac who had done it was still out there, hurting people.

After that you had begged Batman to let you join the same team Jason had fought for and-eventually- sacrificed his life for.

You took out your phone as Batman drove you to the Zeta tube. You flipped to a picture you and Jason took on your eleventh birthday. He had been the only one who remembered. The rest had been occupied with some team thing. He had even baked a cake. In the picture you were holding a necklace he gave you and he had chocolate on his face from the food fight you had started. You fingered the necklace and held back tears, "This is what Jason would have wanted." You sighed and put on your mask.

Even though you weren't robin, you had taken on Jason's costume to honor his memory. It just had Blue and Silver instead of Red and Black.

The car came to a stop by an old garage. Batman opened the door, "You sure you want to do this?"

You looked down at your necklace, "Jason died for this team, and I feel like a part of me went with him, and maybe if I look hard enough, I'll find it there."

Batman nodded, "Jason would have been proud."

You stepped into the zeta tube and turned around, "I think I'm going to call myself Picture. Jason always called me that, and he said that one day, I'd be able to use it." You wiped away a tear as you were transported to the watchtower, he didn't know that he would never be around to see you use it.

You arrived at the Watchtower and looked out of its massive window at the earth down below, clutching your necklace and hoping that wherever Jason was, he was proud.

Outside the garage, a man looked at the empty Zeta tube, he took off the red mask that hid his face, "Truly, little sister you don't know how proud I am." 

Because of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now