Chapter 11

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Beast Boy reached the beach, "Picture!" he yelled, "Oh come on, where are you?" he looked around, "Turn, south." He looked towards the never ending stretch of sand, "Yeah, super helpful."

Beast Boy!

The voice was getting stronger. He took off at a run down the beach, "I'm coming!"

He saw a light in the distance. There was a small hut illuminated by a bright moon, "There!"

Suddenly a stick hit him in the back, "You again!" a voice shouted.

Beast Boy fell to the ground, his face struck a rock. He coughed and spat out sand, "Yeah its me." he stood up and turned around. He had a cut on his cheek and he was prepared for a fight, "What have you done with Picture?"

The man had a red mask on, "What have I done? I'm trying to help."

Beast Boy transformed into a tiger, "Then you shouldn't have taken her away!"
The man jumped out of the way as BB lunged, "I found her help. Just leave us alone!"

"You found help? You just handed her over to one of the most power hungry psychopaths in the world!"

"Psimon will cure her!"

"Like he's doing right now? Picture spoke to me. She showed me everything; Psimon is torturing her in there! I have to save her!" Beast Boy felt tears form in his eyes, "Please."

The man lowered his weapon, "She spoke to you?"

Beast Boy transformed back, "It's like I've had her in my mind ever since the day that I met her. When she lost control-it was like she was not only in my head, she connected to it."

The man took off his helmet and his mask, "I believe you. I probably shouldn't, but I do. So I'm going to trust you and go check up on Psimon."

Barbara drove down a dark road and looked up at the moon, "I hope she's okay."

Dick placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure she's fine. Jason's probably taking good care of her as we speak."

Tim placed his head in his hands, "How can he? As far as we know, the Lazarus pit doesn't give you magic powers."

Dick sighed, "Well, the sooner we find (y/n) the sooner we find Jason."

Barbara slammed on the breaks, "We're here."

They put on their masks. Nightwing grabbed his batons, "Okay, let's go."

Tim raised an eyebrow, "Why the weapons? It's only Jason Todd."

"In my line of work, you can't be too hasty to trust somebody who just came back from the dead."

Babs nodded, "Besides, we don't know for sure if it is Jason."

Dick opened the door, "Let's move out."

You felt yourself growing weaker, "Stop."

Psimon laughed, "Rest assured, you will not die. After your powers are drained I'll let you see your brother long enough for him to see me kill you. And then he'll go too."

"No!" you yelled.

Suddenly Jason kicked down the door, "Not unless I kill you first."

Psimon whirled around, "You."

Jason growled...wait-not Jason.

"Beast Boy!" you yelled as a green lion leapt into the room.

"Leave her alone" he growled at Psimon.

"Oh." Psimon rolled his eyes, "The Martian girl's pathetic little brother." He drained your powers faster, "I will destroy you both." He looked at you, "With your little Picture's own powers no less."

"Not if I can help it!" a voice shouted. Dick jumped down from the rafters and kicked Psimon away from you. You slumped down in relief, but Psimon still had most of your powers. Tim and Barbara jumped through the windows and threw smoke bombs at the ground, temporarily confusing Psimon so that they could get the upper hand.

Jason got up and ran at Psimon, "You mess with my sister, you have to deal with me!"

"Nice to see you again." Dick said.

"Not now." Jason said jumping into the fight

Beast Boy crawled over to you, "Are you okay?"

You smiled weakly, "Totally. I just feel a bit drained"

He nodded and helped you up, "We have to get out of here-Ahh!" Beast Boy fell to the ground, pulling you with him.

You saw a puddle of blood forming at his side, "Beast Boy No!" you turned his face towards you, "Beast Boy. Stay with me, stay with me. Don't-" you felt tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Oh, how tragic." Psimon's voice rang out. You looked around. Babs, Dick, Tim, and Jason were all down, "Back to business." He smiled and reached towards you, "Looks like death will be coming early."

You wrapped your arms around Beast Boy, "No."

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