๑ Character Information ๑

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Name: Yukina Katsuragi

Age: 16

Birthday: February 11

Status: Poor

Nationality: American/Japanese

Hair color: Pure White

Eye color: Redder than the reddest shade of red you've ever seen

Blood type: O

Height: 5'4

Weight: Fit 8(>w<)8


Mother - Haruka Katsuragi

Father - Mizuki Katsuragi

[Both Deceased due to an accident]

Likes: music, silence, drawing, baking, people who understand, caring people, gum, cake and humming

Dislikes: people who misunderstand, traitors, swimming, fire, rain, people who talk to much and loud people

Appearance: (Before)

Short white hair that reaches her neck, always clipped her bangs, A-cup and wore glasses


Long white silky hair that reaches her thighs, let her bangs loose, D-cup, wears contacts so if she doesn't have them she wears glasses instead, and her skin a little burnt on the corner left side of her back (A/N: you find out sooner)


Wears a necklace with a key on it that's from her deceased mother and is very important to her.

Personality: Not that girly, she likes to braid her hair but rarely does it cause it was too long.

kind hearted, caring (if you get to know her) smart, doesn't speak that much, only talks when being spoken to, having a conversation or when being asked.

talks normally with her close friends, can't swim, and learned karate to defend herself, can memorize easily and protect people who protect her.

Sensitive Spot: Her ears and her back.

Background: Both her parents died from a fire incident in America when she was 5 years old, they died protecting their child and Yukina blames this all her life and carries this burden wherever she is. Now she lives with her grandmother in an apartment near school, her grandfather visits them from his travels and tells them stories. But when her parents were on the verge of death, her mother gave her a necklace with a key attached to it, so it is very important to her and she'd do anything for it no matter what it may cost.

teehee thanks for reading ( *`ω')

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