Chapter 1

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Before you start...

This is a sequel to one of my other stories called "While The Parents Are Away." And while I think that if you haven't read it already you should definitely do that now I'll list a few facts that are essential if you want to follow this story.

FOR PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T READ THE PREQUEL STORY (and those who want a refresher): Suyin is Sokka's daughter. Lin and Tenzin started dating. Izumi and Bumi started dating. Azula recently became kind of a part of Team Avatar and she's Zuko's royal advisor now. She had a son named Zari with a waterbending pirate captain. Lin met her father and beat him in a fight.

FOR THOSE WHO DID READ IT :) So this is supposed to take place five years after the events of "While The Parents Are Away." I know, our babies are growing up so fast, but I'm a grown-up and I still have no clue what I'm doing, so...

So the ages in the story go like this now:

Bumi (26)

Kya (23)

Izumi (22)

Tenzin (20)

Lin (19)

Zari (15)

Suyin (13)

Oh, and Iroh (like 0.8 - 1) I had to make him a bit younger than canon.

Alright, I'm done now. I realize this is a long into... But let's go finally. Yip-yip!


"Princess! We have the Destiny in our sights! What are our orders?"

Izumi's training session on the ship's deck would have to be cut short. She stopped midway through an attack on the three unlucky soldiers who drew the short straw that morning.

"Signal and then board. They're friendly." she turned around to look at the horizon. Finally after days of searching they were here. Destiny didn't really look like a Fire Nation Navy ship, or at least what most people would think a Fire Nation ship would look like, but that's because it had a specific purpose: eradicating piracy. And what better man to captain it than her cousin Zari, who lived most of his life with pirates.

They weren't hard to find since Zari vowed to his mother he would send a hawk with a detailed report containing his location every week. Truthfully, it was the only way she'd agree to his new posting, since she threatened that if he didn't check in she would take the entire Fire Nation Navy out to look for him. And he believed her. As did the Navy.

With the last letter he was easy to track, but it still took a few days. A fact Izumi was happy about since she used the time to brush up on her firebending. She was getting a bit rusty sitting around the palace.

"Greetings, Crown Princess Izumi." Zari bowed as soon as she set foot on his ship.

"Greetings, Prince Zari." she bowed, too, but then prepared for a hug, since they were done with formalities.

"How's my- I'm not really sure what your son is to me..." Zari smiled awkwardly and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"First cousin once removed."

"I think I'll just go with Cousin Iroh. How is he?"

"You know... He's a baby. He's healthy and fascinated by anything that moves or makes sounds."

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