Two :)

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Alicia's POV

I was waiting in Drake's car while he talked to Drug Dealer in the restaurant. I had been waiting for an hour until he emerged from the place, walked to his car and sat inside.

"What happened?" I asked, eager to know.

"He said no." Drake replied.

"He said no?" I repeated.

"Yes. I mean no. I mean yes he said no."

"Why?" I asked.

"He said he didn't need one." Drake said and started the car.

"Why?" I asked again.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me."

"So you gave up?"

Yep." he replied with a shrug.

My eyeballs grew bigger. "You did what?"

"I gave up." he replied with a smirk.

"How can you just give up so easily?" I practically shouted at him.

"Chill girl, I gave him my card, told him to call me when he changes his mind."

"At least I still have hope." I muttered.

"You don't."

"Why not?"

"He doesn't change his mind." said Drake. "That's what he told me."

"Only fools don't change their mind."

"It's great you know but you don't seem to want to change your mind about this, meaning you are also a fool. All this is not necessary, Alicia."

"Of course it is, Drake." I said, forgetting the fact that he just called me a fool. "You wouldn't understand since you already have your dream job as a manager in the bank you work in."

"I understand." Drake said.

"You don't. But thanks anyway, at least you talked to him for me."

The rest of the drive was silent. Drake dropped me off at my apartment and left. I lay on my bed, thinking. Maybe Drake was right. Maybe all this was not necessary. And just like that, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, which was a Sunday, I woke up when my phone started ringing. I cursed. I made up my mind to get enough sleep since today was a Sunday and I didn't go to work on Sundays. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Drake. I decided not to pick up. It finally stopped ringing and when I thought I was going to drift off to sleep again, my phone started ringing once more.

"Fuck." I cursed and answered the call.

"If you know you've got nothing important to say, tell me and let me end the call." I said immediately after I picked up.

"I've got something to say which is more than important." Drake said.

"What do you possibly have to say that is really that important?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Drug Dealer called. He said I should send you over to his house. He reconsidered what I talked to him about yesterday."

I abruptly stood up from my bed and started jumping in excitement forgetting that I still hadn't had enough sleep. Then I stopped jumping and asked, "How am I going to find his house?"

Drake chuckled. "He gave me directions. I'll drop you there myself. Hurry up and get ready. He said he's only going to get time for you at 10:00."

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