Five :)

570 40 2

Alicia's POV

Today, I woke up early. Why? Because I wanted to do what I came here for. I wanted to investigate. So waking up early was to make sure Tristan would be asleep while I do my investigation.

First, I was going to start with checking all the rooms in the house to see which ones he would likely hide an evidence in. So obviously rooms like the bathroom had to be canceled out because it's not like he was going to hide dangerous information in there. But who knows? It's not like he was also going to hide dangerous information where I could easily get my hands on.

Even if I was the one hiding something, I would probably hide it where no one would think of. I started checking upstairs first. I started with the room on the very far end and opened it to reveal a guest room. Ruled out. I opened the next room that followed to reveal another guest room. Also ruled out.

The next room was my room so I skipped it and also ruled it out. Then there was another room before Tristan's room. I ruled that one out too but I wrote down Tristan's room on the small paper I was holding. His room was definitely somewhere he could hide evidence and he even asked me not to go there without permission which left me suspicious.

I was left  with only two rooms. I opened the first and realized it was a spare bathroom. Then I opened the next to reveal a study room. I canceled the bathroom and wrote down the study room.

Study rooms are usually places where people like to hide information but the fact that it's not locked or guarded like his room is, makes me rethink my decision but he may have left it unguarded so I would think there is nothing important in there, that's what we always do, try to hide things where no one would think of.

Now I had two rooms upstairs which I had to come back and search to see if I would be able to find anything useful. Since I was done checking all the rooms upstairs it meant I was left with the rooms downstairs.

As I descended the stairs, I silently hoped that Tristan wouldn't wake up anytime soon. Downstairs, there was the living room and the kitchen but beside those two there were two doors. The first door I opened revealed a storage room. I ruled it out.

Then I made my way to the last door, which was at the very far end and was quite cut off from the open. I tried opening it but it did not budge. It was locked. I quickly wrote it down. This door being locked meant a lot of things. It meant that there was something in there which wasn't just another something. Because if it was just another something, it would have been left open just like the other rooms.

The room being locked meant there was something worth it hidden in there but all the same, I had three rooms written down. Two upstairs and one downstairs. I was going to search these rooms when Tristan was out of the house.

But he didn't seem to go anywhere but I knew for sure that he would go to Royal Haven on Saturday which meant that I had to wait for four days since today was only Tuesday. I went to my room and put down the paper. Then I went back downstairs and swept the place and mopped the floors. When I was done, I sat down to watch TV.

Soon, I heard Tristan's room door open and footsteps descend the stairs. As soon as our eyes met, I remembered how he stormed off yesterday. I quickly stood up from the couch and put my hands behind me politely. It was better to act formal with him.

"Good morning sir." I greeted.

"Prepare some pancakes, I'm hungry." he said, ignoring my greeting.

"Yes sir."

I went to the kitchen and prepared pancakes for us. Then I added orange juice like he requested. As we sat on the dinning table eating, no one said a word. The silence was awkward. I didn't want to talk.

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