Four :)

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Alicia's POV

"What?" I asked, not believing what I had just heard.

"You want to know if I'm attracted to you so kiss me." he repeated.

"I can't."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's not right."

He smiled. "I knew you were a smart girl but I didn't know you were this smart."

He stood up from the couch, causing me to release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"You see, you can never think about kissing me because there is a wide difference between us. It's just like an apple product and a samsung product. They can never be the same. Apple products will always be better. Samsung cannot be compared to it. That's the same thing here. You can't kiss me because I'm too good for you. Just like I'm an apple product and you are a samsung. We will never be on the same level. And that's why you are smart for figuring out that kissing me is not the right thing to do."

I didn't believe what I was hearing. Did he just say that he was too good for me? Who did he think he was? A King? Or a prince? Whatever he was my foot!

"Don't ever forget that you're just my maid and nothing more." he began walking away but stopped and turned to look back at me. "Oh and one last thing, you're not beautiful, neither are you attractive. So save yourself the embarrassment and never ask a guy this question."

Then he walked away into his room, leaving me staring at his broad back. What the fuck did he just say to me? That I was a Samsung product? And that I was nowhere close to being beautiful or attractive? He was just an arrogant pig who had no knowledge about being polite.

He said whatever he wanted when he felt like it and I couldn't do the same? Just because I had to keep my cool so that I wouldn't get fired. I mean, I was allowing myself to be stepped on like I was some kind of carpet but I really had no choice. I went upstairs to my room and phoned Drake.

Immediately he picked up, I asked, "Drake, am I beautiful?"

There was silence at the other end before he spoke up. "Who is this and what have you done to my best friend?"

I chuckled. "I'm serious. Am I beautiful?"

"And when did you start caring about your looks?"

"Since today. Will you please just answer?"

"Of course, Alicia. You're beautiful. Very beautiful. If I were to rate, you would come right after my girlfriend, Hailey."

"About Hailey, how is she?" I asked changing the topic.

"She's alright. She was asking about you the other day."

"And what did you tell her?"

"That you were home. Anyway, why did you ask me if you were beautiful?"


"Tell me, Alicia. There is a reason why you called just to ask this question."

"You can call me to ask what day it is so it shouldn't be strange to you that I called to ask this."

"But I know these things don't bother you so it's not possible that you called without a reason."

"With God all things are possible."

He chuckled. "When you woke up on Sunday did you even think about attending church service?"

"I didn't." I replied. "But that's because you called to tell me that Drug Dealer wanted to see me."

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