Bleeding Heart

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He kept staring at her.

The moment Rose came out wearing her dress his eyes were glued to the maid.
And she relished the attention.

Flug has helped 5.0.5 adjust his bow tie and it was quite some time before Demencia came out. Any hint of a smile gone from her face. Rose was already elegant, but now she was even more so..

"You look ravishing Rose~" Black Hat place a kiss on her hand.

Rose simply smiled, "Why thank you master"

The lizard girl could only clench her fists.
"Let's go already" She grumbled, turning everyone's attention to her.

And when Black Hat saw her he fell silent.

"Rose picked out a wonderful dress for you Demencia!" Flug gave her a thumbs up while 5.0.5 clapped.

"Thanks.. Rose.." She walked by Black Hat and for a moment they made eye contact.

The eldritch's expression was unreadable.

"Shall we go then~?" Rose put her arm around Black Hat's.

Flug nodded, and with 5.0.5 making happy little bear noises in the background they got into the limo outside.
The villains of honor had to arrive in style after all.

Demencia was seated by the window, next to Black Hat, followed by Rose, Flug and then 5.0.5.
Throughout the whole drive the blue bear focused only on the strange new things he had never seen before about a limo.

"Yes 5.0.5" Flug smiled, "they have multi-color lights"
5.0.5 pressed a button, and the scientist let out a sigh, "and bubbles. That too"


"Great." Demencia looked out the window with contempt.

This was normally the part where Black Hat would snap and tell everyone to 'quit their damn bloody nonsense'.
But for once he was quiet. Simply raising a brow in question and saying nothing.

Something was off.

No one dared ask what for fear of being killed, but Rose Thornfire was never one to truly abide by rules.
"What's wrong master?" She spoke, rubbing his arm a bit.

"Nothing. It's nothing" The eldritch shook his head.

Rose frowned and was about to press on when suddenly they arrived.

Black Hat materialized outside the limo and was the first to make his appearance, the maid followed behind and blew a kiss at the paparazzi.
For once Demencia went along with Flug and 5.0.5 and tried her best to force a smile.

"Your smile looks forced" Flug whispered.

The hybrid grumbled, "that's because it IS"
They headed inside and her jaw dropped.

The place was magnificent. Marble floors and walls, beautifully crafted architecture inspired from 19th century England, but above all
everything was black.
It had a sharp look. Quite literally.
The couches had dangerously sharp edges as did everything else. Tables, vases, you name it.
Everything appeared emerald studded, and Demencia couldn't tear her eyes away from the gorgeous sharp chandeliers made of the same gemstone.

There were several villains already there.
Of course Black Hat would want to be fashionably late.
Flug quickly rushed over to help him with any villains that would eventually crowd him.

The eldritch didn't mind the attention at all actually. He loved it. It was them getting in his personal space that truly bothered him.
That and their pathetic excuses for being terrible villains. But these were the best out there. Unfortunately.

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