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Rose, Vilgax and Flug were all knocked out, resting deep within the halls of the mansion.

"All of them are here madam~" Fierce said with a smile.

Madam Black smiled and placed a finger under his chin, pulling him closer, "Good job handsome~"

"Hmmm~" The eldritch's snake-like tongue sticked out playfully.

5.0.5 could only watch the two as he failed to wake anyone up.

"Come now, they're locked up, let's allow those other two back shall we~?"


Demencia lay on her side, with the strange aura of the a world in between all worlds. Black Hat looked at her, uncertain of just how to deal with something like this. He never dealt with anything like this before.

"Grrr...AGH!" He snapped, turning around and slashing right through the very fabric of the universe, creating a portal.
"What the—?" He shook his head, "Demencia! We're leaving!"
The girl didn't respond.
"Demencia!!" The eldritch saw her shakily stand up this time, tears streaming down her cheeks.


"Nothing changed" She said once they were on the other side.
The hybrid was right for the most part, despite it feeling strangely empty, nothing had been moved.
There was a wailing sound coming from down the hall.
"I take that back.."
Black Hat materialized by the source of the sound and saw 5.0.5, holding Flug's body. Rose and Vilgax missing.
"So that's what she did.."

Using his shadow abilities he freed the bear and Flug, taking a long glance at the two dead bodies that lay on the cold floor.

Madam Black stood there cloaked, giggling at her work, "I'd say my work is done here~" She took Fierce's hand and disappeared back to her dimension.

"What now?" Demencia looked up at Black Hat.

"There's no way in hell we tell anyone about this" The eldritch grumbled something incoherent about not being able to attack her doppelgänger.

They brought Flug to the lab where the scientist's eyes finally opened.
"Ugh...where am I..? Where's Rose and Vilgax?"

There was a silence.

"They're..gone" Demencia said. If it really was a parallel version of her that was the cause then perhaps her jealousy extended farther than she realized.

Black Hat frowned, "Flug make sure who did this"

"B-but sir, I..—"

"NOW" He shouted.

With a few stumbles Flug managed to get on his feet and head over to his work space. 5.0.5 showered the scientist in care, covering him in a blanket.

Demencia only looked down in shame.
It was her fault they were dead wasn't it? After all if she didn't hate them so much then perhaps..—

"Jefe, there's no sign of Madam Black anywhere!"

The eldritch nearly crushed the tech below him.
"WHAT!? What about her dimensional sector?"

"Closed off.." Flug shook his head, "It appears she has similar abilities to yours, sir"

"That's impossible!"

Demencia meanwhile snuck off to the roof. 5.0.5 took notice and followed her.

She sat up there, staring up at the stars. If one looked hard enough they could see the gentle yet dangerous waves around Hat island. The hybrid let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

5.0.5 let out a little whimper and nuzzled the girl. She responded by gently petting his head.

It was done. Everything had to be done know right?
Then why did nothing feel the way it was before?
Why did it all feel so..wrong?


Days passed. Still no sign of Madam Black, not even the Anti-Black Hat Organization could find her.

"Snyder the project is almost done, but our scientists are rather busy with the issue of whom we now know to be 'Ms. Madam Black'" A tall male scientist reported in, holding a clipboard.

"We can't launch that project unless we know for certain she will make a return" Snyder turned, "How's the stability on substance 666?"

"Shaking, miss, it seems it gets worse with subject Demencia's raw emotions"

"Then we make her feel as much pain as possible" The scientist grinned.


A light glow of the morning sun flooded into a gloomy mansion. Much to the destain of a certain eldritch
The quill in Black Hat's hand had caught on fire.

"U-um.." The scientist quivered, unsure of how to respond, "the sun, sir?

Claws unsheathed, Flug found himself with a strange energy beginning to force the air out of
his windpipe.
"Now tell me..have you made ANY progress?"

"I-I will Jefe! Promise!"

He fell to the ground with a thud, and Black Hat turned around. "GOOD"

Demencia was never seen at this hour, she was known to stay up either drawing, or scouring the Internet. So it was no surprise she always slept in.
Black Hat never cared much about that. He knew humans would have strange sleeping patterns sometimes, come to think, he wasn't sure what Flug's sleeping pattern was. It was really just naps.

The hybrid, however, seemed more exhausted, as if she didn't even bother to sleep in when she got no sleep at all in the first place. Sometimes Black Hat would find the her passed out on the floor, far too deep in sleep for even his jumpscares to wake her up.
Eventually she began avoiding the lab completely.
Flug found it to be an utter relief, though 5.0.5 grew concerned and decided to ask her just why the sudden avoidance?

Black Hat quickly focused his hearing on them. Though he would never admit it, he was curious.

"I reminds me of some things you know?" Demencia messed around with her hair.

5.0.5 tilted his head, confused, "Bwar?

"Well ya know, Flug just reminds me of..of them", she quickly shook her head, "Look softie I'm gonna go explode a few buildings 'kay? Don't go too crazy over this stuff"
With that she left.

"Roo????" The blue bear sat down, very much confused.

Demencia left the mansion that morning.

And she never came back.

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