You're not enough (Kim Namjoon)

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It's a rainy day..

You stared outside your window sitting on a sofa with a blanket wrapping your body and a cup of hot chocolate in your hand.. Drinking it slowly..

If only Namjoon was here

You thought to yourself while thinking of what time he'll be home from practice..


Your phone buzzed indicating that you received a message.. You slowly placed the cup of hot choco on the table by your side and opened your phone to check who it was..

You received  a message from JOONIE💕

You chuckled a little remembering how you gave him that nickname when you were still kids..  Oh how you miss that time..


I'm gonna be a little late tonight babe, the boys asked me to stay over the dorm for a little while..  Sorry.. Be home at  9..

You instantly frowned at that text.. It's always been like this.. He hasn't been home lately.. It started 4 months ago.. It's either he is at the dorm or he's practicing late.. But still he came home smelling like a girl's perfume...  Always..  You don't know anyone owning that kind of perfume..

You started typing for a response..


It's ok.. Stay safe..

You instantly had a text back from him


I'll make it up to you babe, I promise..

You just stared at that text..  He has been telling you that for the past 4 months now.. And he still hasn't made it up to you.. Not even once..

You closed your eyes and slowly drifted to sleep...


You are startled awake looking at your phone..

You realized you have slept for 2 hours..  And the rain has stopped..

It's already 8 in the evening..

Chim chim

Y/n Noona is Namjoon Hyung with you?

Your eyes widen at Jimin's text (one of Namjoon's co-members) 

To Chim:

I thought he's spending time with you guys? 

You furiously typed.. You don't have a good feeling about this..  No siree..


Chim Chim

He's not with us noona.. He left early.. He said he wants to have quality time with you..  I've been texting him..  But he's not replying..

Your breath hitched at Jimin's text.. 

No it can't be..  He isn't chea-  You stopped your thought and shook your head.. 

You stood up and made dinner in the kitchen..

Maybe he's just in the mall or...  No.. Maybe he..  He just went to buy me roses..  Yeah roses..  That's my favorite..

“Ouch” you said as you cut your finger while chopping some vegetables...

You immediately went to wash of the blood and get some band aids to put in your wound..

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