Little Love

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 A lot of things had changed in 15 years

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A lot of things had changed in 15 years. Rebekah had become Hope's legal guardian when she was 2, then at the age of 4,  made the decision to adopt her, officially becoming her Mother, despite the fact that she already was, in Hope's heart.  Rebekah never deprived her of knowing who her biological Mother was, though. She kept Hayley's memory alive the best she could, with pictures and stories.

As Hope grew, she became quite curious and was beginning to ask Rebekah tons and tons of questions

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As Hope grew, she became quite curious and was beginning to ask Rebekah tons and tons of questions. One day, when she was the small age of 5, she came home from school and had asked Rebekah if she grew in her tummy.

"No, my little love, you grew in Hayley's tummy, but you grew even bigger in my heart." Rebekah had told the blonde haired and brown eyed little girl.

Then, more questions came about, like who her Father was and why he never came to see her

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Then, more questions came about, like who her Father was and why he never came to see her. Rebekah's resentment towards her Brother had grown over the years and the older Hope got, the more worried she became with the fact that Niklaus could show up one day and tear a hole in Hope's blissful ignorance.

She would keep it short, telling her that he loved her but he couldn't be around because he was keeping the bad men away from them. She would nod her head and go back to playing with her toys.

When Hope turned 7, Rebekah had found herself constantly consoling her in the middle of the night from terrifying dreams. Night terrors. Some of the stuff that came out of Hope's mouth, would frighten Rebekah. She couldn't understand how a 7 year old child could have such aggressive and violent dreams, being that she sheltered her from anything even remotely close to violence and horror. So, she started to believe that this was the beginning of her witch phase. It could be visions of the past intertwined in her actual dream state , Freya had suggested. It happened to her when she was her age, as well.

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